axis data fifo是一个常用的IP核,是具有axis接口的fifo IP核,这里主要介绍该IP核的packet mode属性的特征。 实验内容 介绍axis data fifi IP核的packet mode属性的特征。 实验步骤 创建工程文件,添加axis_data_fifo IP核,工程中添加了axis_data_fifo的两个IP核,一个为非packet mode模式,一个为packet mode模式...
@(posedgeS_AXIS_tready);//等待FIFO准备好@(posedges_axis_aclk);//对齐时钟S_AXIS_tvalid =1;//写有效S_AXIS_tkeep =2'b11;for(i=0;i<512;i=i+1)//写512个数据begin@(posedges_axis_aclk) S_AXIS_tdata = S_AXIS_tdata +1;end@(posedges_axis_aclk) S_AXIS_tlast =1;//写最后一...
所述AXIS2FIF0转换单元用于完成ZYNQ处理器MemoryMap到DMA控制器与FIF02AXIS转换单元的连接端口即用户Stream端的AXIS接口协议tready信号与FIFO接口协议almostf ul I信号之间的转换、AXIS接口协议tval id信号逻辑与tready信号后输出的信号与FIFO接口协议wr_en信号之间的转换,以及AXIS接口协议tdata与FIFO接口协议din信号的...
wire [(WIDTH - 1):0] pc_status_m, pc_status_s; reg areset_n; axis_fifo DUT(.aclk(clk), .areset_n(areset_n), .s_axis_tvalid(s_axis_tvalid), .s_axis_tdata(s_axis_tdata), .s_axis_tkeep(s_axis_tkeep), .s_axis_tlast(s_axis_tlast), .s_axis_tready(s_axis_t...
fifo2axi.v:接受从ahb返回到fifo的数据,比如rdata,resp,id,读写状态,是否为last,并拼装成axi的格式,这部分主要的难度在于读与写的区分,b channel和r channel数据不要混淆就行,难度不高,看看代码就懂了,就不用细讲了。 fifo_wrapper.v:所有异步fifo的顶层,异步fifo的实现可参考我的这一篇博客:一种简单的异步...
Parametrizable data width. Wrappers can generated with axis_demux module Frame-aware AXI stream demultiplexer with parametrizable data width and port count. axis_fifo module Configurable word-based or frame-based synchronous FIFO with parametrizable data width, depth, type, ...
I'm using the XPM_FIFO_AXIS in a design but don't need the tKeep/tStrb/tDest/tId fields. In my HDL, I've tied these slave ports high and left the master ports open expecting Vivado to realize they were unused and not generate the extra BR
8. OVERRUN is set when new data has replaced unread data. The precise operation of OVERRUN depends on the operation mode of FIFO. In bypass mode, OVERRUN is set when new data replaces unread data in the DATAX, DATAY, and DATAZ registers. In all other modes, OVERRUN is set when the...
Accel Output Data Rate (Hz)4 Hz to 4 kHz4 Hz to 4 kHz3.91 Hz to 4 kHz4.5 Hz to 4.5 kHz4 Hz to 1 kHz General Specs Bus InterfaceSPI; I²CSPI; I²CSPI; I²CSPI; I²CSPI; I²C FSYNC SupportYesYesYesYesYes Memory (FIFO)512 bytes4 Kbytes1 Kbyte4 Kbytes1 Kbytes ...
The processor only needs to fetch data from the ADXL345 every 0.2 s; it can be awakened by watermark interrupt. The other functions of the FIFO are also very useful. Using trigger mode, the FIFO can let us know what happens before the interrupt. Since the proposed solution does not use ...