AXIS Camera Station allows you to use both local Windows and domain users and user groups. If you use a domain setup, you must join the server to the domain. Your IT department might have to help you with this On the physical server, you can use the current account, if using a ...
AXISCameraStationS22ApplianceSeries Setupexamples U1U2 DifficultylevelAdvanced BenefitsAbilitytouseanAXISCameraStationclienttoconnecttoS22 seriesoverthenetwork. Networksegregation LimitationsMayrequireyoutofollowcorporatenetworkpolices ActionsneededChangethedefault...
AXIS Camera Station用户指南 Datasheet AXIS Camera Station Easy and efficient video surveillance and access control AXIS Camera Station is powerful and easy to use so anyone can manage the system,handle incidents,quickly find and export high definition evidence and manage physical access.The operator ...
AXISCameraStationS1232RackRecordingServer 开始 开始 配置AXISCameraStation录制服务器的标准工作流是: 1.安装设备 2.初始Windows®设置:安装设备之后,将指导您完成几个步骤,设置区域、语言、键盘布 局、管理员账户及其密码。 3.初始Axis录像机设置:初始Windows设置完成后,AxisRecorderToolbox打开,并指导您完成 ...
If you use a domain setup, you must join the server to the domain. Your IT department might have to help you with this On the physical server, you can use the current account, if using a Windows admin account, to connect the local client application to the AXIS Camera Station server. ...
AXIS Camera Station 4.0 用户指南说明书
AXISCameraStationPro Discoveryoursystem ControlaPTZcamera ThisvideoshowsyouthedifferentwaysyoucancontrolaPTZ(PanTiltandZoom)camerausingandamouse. Towatchthisvideo,gotothewebversionofthisdocument. /?piaId=section=control-ptz-camera Adddigitalpresets
安讯士网络发布了最新版本的AXIS Camera Station 视频管理软件.这次发布AXIS Camera Station 4.0树立简便与有效视频监控的新标准. "当今市场上许多功能丰富的视频管理系统安装和使用都非常复杂."安讯士中国区产品经理邹毓帆表示,"我们通过AXIS Camera Station 4.0证明了视频管理解决方案可以实现强大的功能的同时操作也十分...
AXIS Camera Station Installation 说明书 INSTALLATION GUIDE AXIS Camera Station
AXIS Camera Station 简单高效的视频监控和访问控制 简单高效的操作 监视和物理访问控制 针对安讯士网络产品进行了优化 强大的功能集 用于系统设计的AXIS Site Designer AXIS Camera Station是一种视频管理和访问管理软件,专为适应各种安装而开发。零售商店、酒店、学校和制造行业只是部分享有对其场所的完全控制和保护并且...