is the official digital version of Hasbro’s strategy classic—Axis & Allies 1942 Second Edition! Play as World War II powers on either side of the conflict: the United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union form the Allies, while Germany and Japan make up the Axis. ...
(如果你没有足够的棋子放置在垫片上,使用任何可以作为标识的东西来代替,比如一片写有部队种类的纸片。) 指代圆板和卡片(Marshaling Circles and Cards) 取下十个印有编号的指代卡片,把他们叠放在棋盘旁。取下印有相应编号的指代圆板,也放在一旁。当你希望在一个区域部署很多兵力,以至于棋盘上该区域无法容纳的时候...
Play Axis & Allies 1942 Online on your iPad! It’s the official digital version of Hasbro’s classic board game, Axis & Allies 1942 Second Edition. Strategy is key as you command armies across the globe! *Note: Apple Accounts held by users aged 12 and under will not be able to access...
轴心国与同盟国1942 Axis & Allies 1942 Online for mac v1.0.17-live-d73,《轴心国与同盟国1942》是孩之宝公司的经典战略桌游--《轴心国与同盟国1942》第二版的官方数字版!这款棋盘游戏适合屏幕和繁忙的日程。在你的回合中得到通知,并以你自己的节奏指挥军队!与...,M
轴心国与同盟国1942 Axis & Allies 1942 Online v1.0.4 live d25 for mac,《轴心国与同盟国1942》是孩之宝公司的经典战略桌游--《轴心国与同盟国1942》第二版的官方数字版!这款棋盘游戏适合屏幕和繁忙的日程。在你的回合中得到通知,并以你自己的节奏指挥军队!与...,M
Avalon Hill A06260000 Axis and Allies Pacific 1940 2Nd Edition 65 out of 5 Stars. 6 reviews Save with Avalon Hill Axis & Allies 1942 Second Edition WWII Strategy Board Game $72.99 current price $72.99 Avalon Hill Axis & Allies 1942 Second Edition WWII Strategy Board Game ...
同盟国与轴心国 Axis&Allies1942开箱 只看楼主收藏回复 ESPECIALLY 电厂经理 7 a&a质感真心没得说 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2021-01-10 11:56回复 xmdx 皇舆霸主 13 直接搞上世界地图了好评 来自Android客户端2楼2021-01-10 12:18 回复 ...
Play the classic board game, Axis & Allies 1942 2nd Edition! Act as WWII powers in a turn-based strategy game that fits your screen and schedule— get notified on your turn and command armies at your own pace! Team up with friends, challenge the worl
Axis & Allies 1942 Online is the official digital version of Hasbro’s strategy classic— Axis & Allies 1942 Second Edition ! This board game fits your screen AND your busy schedule. Get notified on your turn, and command armies at your own pace! Players act as World War II powers on ...
本吧热帖: 1-请问AA40的官网是什么? 2-1942开一局 3-战术系列文章—— 从懵懂到入门 4-今年新版本有资讯没 5-吧要凉了? 6-Axis & Allies 北非 7-同盟与轴心 8-AA1942第二版完整战报 9-这个吧还活着吗? 10-求轴心国与同盟国地图全面图