Axis & Allies 1942 Second Edition! Play as World War II powers on either side of the conflict: the United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union form the Allies, while Germany and Japan make up the Axis. This board game fits your screen AND your busy schedule. Get notified on your...
Play the classic board game, Axis & Allies 1942 2nd Edition! Act as WWII powers in a turn-based strategy game that fits your screen and schedule— get notified on your turn and command armies at your own pace! Team up with friends, challenge the worl
游戏的棋盘是一张世界地图,大体展现了1942 年的局势。棋盘被划分为不同区域——领土或者海域。不同区域间被边界线分割。将棋盘置于桌子的正中。同盟方玩家坐在顶端(北方),轴心方玩家坐在底端(南方)。 战斗盘(Battle Board)和骰子(Dice) 战斗盘是一个大的卡片,分为进攻方和防御方两个区域,每个区域中有不同的...
Axis&Allies 50周年版 50周年版在规则和模型数量上相比1942再次增加,同时还增加了游戏人数,最多6人同时进行游戏,当然影响A&A游戏时长的最大问题就是人数的增加。50周年版有最完备的游戏规则,这个版本也是我目前最常玩的版本。之前淘宝有大量低价的瑕疵版,目前应该比较难买到了,能够看到的价格至少都在1500甚至2000元...
Axis & Allies 1942 Online is an official adaptation of the beloved strategic board game, Axis & Allies, and includes the 1942 Second Edition game board...
Axis & Allies 1942 Online(轴心国与同盟国手机版) v1.0.4 安卓版 电脑本地下载 电脑本地下载 南方电信下载 北方联通下载 湖北电信下载 江苏电信下载 广东电信下载 浙江电信下载 包名:com.beamdog.aao1942 MD5值:6cddc55d8cf28b36635ecf3bb6485b67
类似游戏 有存货 Abriss ¥108.70 有存货 Across the Obelisk - Sigrun, the Valkyrie ¥28.00 有存货 Against The Storm - Keepers Of The Stone ¥59.00 有存货 Age of Wonders 4: Empires & Ashes ¥88.00 有存货 Age of Wonders: Planetfall ...
Spring 1942. The world is at war... German tanks mobilize in the west, blitzing into France and pushing back the Soviet Union in eastern Europe. The United States rises in response to Japanese aggression in the Pacific. The United Kingdom rallies allies as bombers menace the skies. The ye...
The year is 1942, and the world is at war! Victory goes to the side that conquers its opponents on the field of battle and occupies the greatest cities of the world. Will the Axis continue to spread across the globe unchecked, or will the Allies rally to push back against imperialistic ...
同盟国与轴心国 Axis&Allies1942开箱 只看楼主收藏回复 ESPECIALLY 电厂经理 7 a&a质感真心没得说 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2021-01-10 11:56回复 xmdx 皇舆霸主 13 直接搞上世界地图了好评 来自Android客户端2楼2021-01-10 12:18 回复 ...