main axis is row or row-reverse the cross axis runs down the columns. 主轴是row或者row-reverse的时候,交叉轴是列的方向,就是垂直于水平方向,因为此时主轴为水平方向,交叉轴与主轴垂直交叉。 main axis is column or column-reverse then the cross axis runs along the rows. 同样道理,主轴是column或者co...
MainAxisAlignment(主轴)和CrossAxisAlignment(交叉轴)常用于Row和Column控件中,主要是用来控制子控件排列的位置,并可以配合textDirection和verticalDirection属性来控制子控件排列的方向及改变MainAxisAlignment和CrossAxisAlignment的起始位置。 垂直布局:y轴为主轴,x轴为副轴! 水平布局:x轴为主轴,y轴为副轴! MainAxisSize....
CompactLayoutColumnHeader CompactLayoutRowHeader CompactRowIndent Creator CubeFields DataBodyRange DataFields[] DataLabelRange DataPivotField DisplayContextTooltips DisplayEmptyColumn DisplayEmptyRow DisplayErrorString DisplayFieldCaptions DisplayImmediateItems DisplayMemberPropertyTooltips DisplayNullString EnableDataValue...
Go to the Format sidebar on the right and it will show you what column (or row or range) is being used for the X and Y data for that series. Click in the box for the X data. In the table, select the data you want to use for X. If it is an entire column, click on the c...
2.56 StaticColumn 2.57 Corner 2.58 MatrixColumns 2.59 MatrixColumn 2.60 MatrixRows 2.61 MatrixRow 2.62 MatrixCells 2.63 MatrixCell 2.64 RowGroupings 2.65 RowGrouping 2.66 DynamicRows 2.67 StaticRows 2.68 StaticRow 2.69 Table 2.70 Details 2.71 TableRows 2.72 TableRow 2.73 TableCells 2.74 TableCell 2.75...
In the 19th century many scientists contributed to the development of crystallography, and towards the end of the century Federow and Schoenflies independently presented a complete analysis of all crystallographic point groups. In his famous book on crystallography “Krystallsysteme und Krystallstructur...
In other words, I'd like to rotate the chart area by 90 degrees clockwise. The "Switch Row/Column" doesn't do what I want (or expect) and I'm running out of both ideas and patience. Is there an easy fix? Or a hard fix? Here's the plot as-is: And here's a dummy plot ...
2.1.368 Part 1 Section 17.14.14, fHdr (First Row of Data Source Contains Column Names) 2.1.369 Part 1 Section 17.14.15, fieldMapData (External Data Source to Merge Field Mapping) 2.1.370 Part 1 Section 17.14.16, headerSource (Header Definition File Path) 2.1.371 Part 1 Secti...
Describe the bug When the Y-axis is less than 0, the BarTouchTooltipData prompt can only be displayed on the 0-point baseline. In fact, I want it to be above the -X point. This should be a BUG. Please take a look. Thank you very much! To...
2.26 TablixColumn 2.27 TablixRows 2.28 TablixRow 2.29 TablixCells 2.30 TablixCell 2.31 CellContents 2.32 TablixColumnHierarchy 2.33 TablixMembers 2.34 TablixMember 2.35 TablixHeader 2.36 TablixCorner 2.37 TablixCornerRows 2.38 TablixCornerRow 2.39 TablixCornerCell 2.40 TablixHierarchy 2.41 TablixRowHierarchy...