Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object at Function.keys (<anonymous>) at mergeConfig (axios.js:1308) 解决方案: 重新安装 axios: npm install axios@0.21 --save okay~
I am using axios to send a post request in a Laravel 5.7 application. everything works well until for errors but as soon as response contains not error, I started getting: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined on the line indicated in the cope snippet ...
因为catch 异常捕获后 接收的值为 undefined undefined再来解构就会出错 async function get () { let { name, sex } = await func().catch(err => { console.log(err); }) console.log(name, sex); } 1. 2. 3. 4. Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot destructure property ‘name’ of ‘(...
Hi! I'm trying to use your library but I get an error: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'protocol' of undefined I was using your example axios.get('https://api.github.com/users/benjamingeorge') .then(function (res) {...
index.js?8626:14 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'code') at Store.getCategoryList 2.axios请求代码: api/index.js文件: export const reqGetCategoryList = () => { requests.get('/product/getBaseCategoryList') } ...
错误: Uncaught(inpromise)TypeError: **Cannotread property'protocol'ofundefined... 源码: 完整错误: importaxiosfrom'axios'importVueAxiosfrom'vue-axios'Vue.use(axios,VueAxios) 修正一:(亲测) importaxiosfrom'axios'importVueAxiosfrom'vue-axios'Vue.use(VueAxios, axios)// 交换位置 ...
jQuery.browser = {}; (function () { jQuery.browser.msie = false; jQuery.browser....
错误信息: slice : slice是用来分割数组渲染页面 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property ‘slice’ of undefined at eval 错误原因: 是没有查询到数据, 是我少写了一点data,多写一个data问题解决了 对Vue生命周期钩子函数的理解 动画。created表示当前实例创建完成,组件、属性等初始化完成,一般封...
报错:Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in 和php网站打开一片空白【解决】 2019-12-20 11:18 −mysql_connect()这个函数不再使用 不要修改php.ini文件,改成mysqli_connect()就可以了 全局替换后 报错:Warning: mysqli_error() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 giv...
报错:Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in 和php网站打开一片空白【解决】 2019-12-20 11:18 −mysql_connect()这个函数不再使用 不要修改php.ini文件,改成mysqli_connect()就可以了 全局替换后 报错:Warning: mysqli_error() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 giv...