if(this.closeConnection){ xmlRequest.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); // 报错语句 Refused to set unsafe header:"Connection" } xmlRequest.send(sendContent); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 查询setRequestHeader: 1. 网友回复:供参考,点击传送 文章回复是英文,翻译过来是(部分翻译可能不是很准确,望...
我在浏览器中将会话id保存为上传文件的cookie,但是当我发送带有请求的cookie时,我将在浏览器中获得以下响应 Refused to set unsafe header "Cookie& 浏览1提问于2021-06-19得票数 14 1回答 对Axios使用NTLM身份验证 、 我有一个使用NTLM身份验证的WebApi,我正试图编写一个简单的React UI来从该API获取数据,...
devin_yuan: 请求拦截器中写入代码config.headers['Cookie'] = sign; 请求时报Refused to set unsafe header "Cookie" 回复2017-09-27 共5 条评论 查看全部 3 个回答 推荐问题 遇到一道设计模式的面试题,各位大佬看下如何解决,题目要求是优化这段业务代码? 遇到一道设计模式的面试题,各位大佬看下如何解决,题目...
Additional Library Versions VueJS / Quasar (using Axios as a boot file but it doesn't seem to matter what I use, same result). Additional context/Screenshots I'm also seeing these errors in the console when sending the Axios request: xhr.js?e38e:125 Refused to set unsafe header "Origin...
devin_yuan: 请求拦截器中写入代码config.headers['Cookie'] = sign; 请求时报Refused to set unsafe header "Cookie" 回复2017-09-27 共5 条评论 平常心 8222210 发布于 2017-09-27 Axios.request({ url: "http://example.com", method: "get", headers:{ Cookie: "cookie1=value; cookie2=value;...
logic is not available and requires manually parsing out the cookie and passing the X-XSRF-TOKEN header yourself. This is because the logic that currently exists checks to see if the full domain of the page you're currently on matches the full domain of the api you're making a call to....
How to set cookies when send a request in node ? Copy link only-clichescommentedJun 14, 2017 The cookies need to be passed into the headers object. Axios.request({url:"http://example.com",method:"get",headers:{Cookie:"cookie1=value; cookie2=value; cookie3=value;"}}).then... ...