const axiosPost = (url, data, otherConfigs) => axiosCustomFuncHandler('post', url, data, otherConfigs) const axiosPut = (url, data, otherConfigs) => axiosCustomFuncHandler('put', url, data, otherConfigs) const axiosPatch = (url, data, otherConfigs) => axiosCustomFuncHandler('patch',...
timeout: 5000 }); // 设置错误拦截器 setupErrorHandler(api); export const userService = { getUser: (id: string) => api.get(`/users/${id}`), createUser: (userData: any) =>'
u can pass a custom error handler if that handler returns false the error would not be stored in de error handler AxiosImmutableHandler makes the immutable through a object.freeze AxiosLoadingHandler sets loading to true when a request start ...
使用axios直接post django的接口的时候会提示CSRF 403错误 可以在post的data中转入csrftoken 也可以给单个...
Axios是一个基于Promise的HTTP客户端,用于发送HTTP请求。它可以在浏览器和Node.js中使用,并提供了许多强大的功能,如拦截请求和响应、转换请求和响应数据、取消请求等。 在React组件中,如果Axios不能正常工作,可能是由于以下几个原因: 依赖未安装:首先,确保已经在项目中安装了Axios依赖。可以通过运行npm install axios或...
但是我们发现, 只有create 这个方法定义在了 createInstance 内部,这则改动与这条 PR 有关 axios/axios#2795,可以看到,在之前,我们调用 create(customConfig) 创建新的实例的时候,都只能够合并 customConfig 和 axios.defaults,这则改动之后,我们可以获取到当前 Axios 实例创建时的配置,然后基于这个配置,进行二次创建...
Allows to provide custom instances of cache and axios and to override the default options. cacheAn instance oflru-cache, orfalseto disable the cache axiosAn instance ofaxios defaultOptionsAn object overriding the default Hook options. It will be merged with the default options. ...
errorHandler, a custom function for handling Axios errors. When the function is called, it returns three methods: reset, which resets the initial network state's values to the default values. cancel, which cancels the ongoing network request. ...
(optional) Trigger filter function, only AUTO RUN when get `true`, leave it unset unless you don't want AUTU RUN by all updates of trigger * @param {function} [customHandler=(error, response) => {}] - (optional) Custom handler callback, NOTE: `error` and `response` will be set ...
Error, descriptors);\nObject.defineProperty(prototype, 'isAxiosError', {value: true});\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line func-names\nAxiosError.from = function(error, code, config, request, response, customProps) {\n var axiosError = Object.create(prototype);\n\n utils.toFlatObject(error...