(57) Axie Origin Season 1赛季末期记录 还有两周,Axie Origin Season 1才会结束,真是一个漫长的赛季。 就我的体验看,游戏平衡性依然存在大问题,愤怒兽队的强度太高了,缺少了赛季中期平衡,让其他类型的队伍无论怎样尝试,都只是在挣扎而已。如果玩家幸运地通过铸造系统获得了Endless Anger 神秘符文,那可以冲击高级...
After finishing the alpha stage, “season 0” will be implemented, which will seek to anchor Origin at the level of Axie Infinity, to achieve the expected results in the alpha version, all the elements will be transferred to Origin, which includes the issuance of SLP and rewards on the AXS...