The radial-flow packed bed is compared to a dimensionally similar axial-flow packed bed. This approach provides a fair assessment of the underlying behaviour of the two designs. Multi-objective optimisation allows a wide range of design variables to be considered, and is employed to compare ...
The imposition of a radial or axial flow on cylindrical Couette flow alters the stability of the system and modifies the velocity field. An axial flow stabilizes cylindrical Couette flow. The supercritical flow includes a rich variety of vortical structures including helical and wavy vortices. An ax...
Turbine aerodynamics axial-flow and radial-inflow turbine design and analysis 热度: Convective Heat Transfer and Aerodynamics in Axial Flow Turbines 热度: numerical investigation of aerodynamics of canard-controlled missile using planar and grid tail fins, part ii subsonic and transonic flow 热度:...
gradient with size∂zpAPFto the axial velocity component in the ferrohydrodynamical equations. In the sub-critical regime (below the onset of any vortex structure), this pressure gradient forces an annular Poiseuille flow (APF)38,39. The radial profile of this axial through flow velocity is ...
Katoh M, Spuentrup E, Stuber M, Hoogeveen R, Günther RW, Buecker A (2005) Free-breathing renal magnetic resonance angiography with steady-state free-precession and slab-selec- tive spin inversion combined with radial k-space sampling and water-selective excitation. Magn Reson Med 53(5):1228...
1, meaning, that the axial position in which the inverse flow occurs is not the same in each radial position. Therefore, it is not possible to elaborate a radial distribution of the axial speed using a single sensor, it requires a rack of flying hot wires for making simultaneous ...
Structure Radial Plunger Pump Cylinder Number Multi Cylinder Drive Mode Steam Driven Reciprocating Pump Pump Shaft Position Vertical Type V Type Power Pneumatic Straight Shaft Swashplate Piston Type Pressureoil Radial Plunger Pump Type Axial Flow Pr...
2.9 The radial cutting method The radial cutting method is a different version of the sectioning method. It has been used extensively to determine the residual stresses in fiber-reinforced tubes (Cohen, 1997; Ganley et al., 2000; Seif and Short, 2002; Seif et al., 2006) and rings (Aleon...
Radial blade loading distribution 1. Introduction When anaxial compressoris throttled to the stall limit, the steadyaxisymmetricflow pattern becomes unstable. Two types of dynamic instability, surge androtating stall, have been well studied forturbomachinerycompressors. Surge is a large-amplitude oscillatio...