/ Taylor, Peter J. / Vieira, Marcus Viniciusdoi:10.1515/mamm.1966.30.4.667GUPTABharat B.Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / New YorkMammaliaGupta, B. B. 1966 . The anatomy of the posterior axial region and the hind limb of the Eastern American Mole. Mammalia 30: 667 – 682 ....
Angiographic anatomy demonstrated a purely intra-axial mass. Angiographic Evidence of a Purely Pial Bihemispheric Intracranial Hemangiopericytoma GS typically appear as rapidly growing, heterogeneously enhancing intra-axial masses comparable to GB with a temporal predominance [4, 6]. Gliosarcoma with Prima...
The detailed anatomy of the skeleton and musculature of the thigh and tail region of the two Indian hedgehogs, Paraechinus micropus micropus Blyth and Hemiechinus auritus collaris Gray, is presented. Certain ratios between the different regions of the innominate are correlated with generic character...
The vertebral column is divided into several general areas (see Figure 1): (1) an occipital region, which is incorporated into the bony structure of the base of the skull; (2) a cervical region, which includes the highly specialized atlas and axis that link the vertebral column to the sku...
thoracic region and a concurrent reduction in the number of lumbar elements in arboreal species (various sloths)52,61. Two placental clades—the Carnivora and Chiroptera—stand out because of their markedly discontinuous vertebral count distributions. In Carnivora, the posterior thoracic and lumbar ...
Definition Chapters and Articles Related Terms Recommended Publications Chapters and Articles You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. THE SKELETON | Cartilaginous Fish Skeletal Anatomy K.M. Claeson, M.N. Dean, in Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology, 2011 Axial Skeleton The ax...
ImplantAssemblyTemplateTargetAnatomySequence Field ImplantAssemblyTemplateType Field ImplantAssemblyTemplateVersion Field ImplantName Field ImplantPartNumber Field ImplantRegulatoryDisapprovalCodeSequence Field ImplantSize Field ImplantTargetAnatomySequence Field ImplantTemplate3DModelSurfaceNumber Field Implant...
The Ural Very Old Study (UVOS) is a population-based study performed in the rural region of the Karmaskalinsky District in a distance of 65 km from the capital Ufa, and in the Kirovskyi discrict—an urban region of the capital Ufa in the Republic of Bashkortostan/Russia. The study condu...
the structure of the axial complex and the dorso-ventral mesentery should also be most evident here, which is precisely what is observed (Figs.4,5). An additional change in digestive tract anatomy is responsible for another highly derived condition seen in Micrasterina: here, the mesentery ...
For evaluation of white-matter microstructural integrity, voxel-wise metrics such as FA, mean diffusivity,axial diffusivity, and radial diffusivity are preferred for quantitative analysis. As described above, these metrics can be used to compare specific brain regions, with anatomy precisely defined by...