"Dynamic effects of axial loading on the lumbar spine during magnetic resonance imaging in patients with suspected spinal stenosis," Formos Med Asso., Vol.107, No.4, pp.334- 39Yung-Cheng Wang,Chin-Ming Jeng,Chau-Ying Wu,Hsio-Yun Chang,Yong-Chien Huang,Yu-Jen Wang,Pa-Chun Wang.  ...
In vitro axial preload application during spine flexibility testing: towards reduced apparatus-related artefacts In vitro axial preload application during spine flexibility testing: towards re- duced apparatus-related artefacts. J Biomech 2000;33(12):1559- 68... ...
there was a statistical significance pressure changing in intervertebral spaces or facet joints when one washer was moved away in each loading condition(P0.05).Conclusion The axial load distribution of lumbar spine changes in a non-linearity manner response to intervertebral space height alteration.Only...
three types of linear test loads were applied. (b) loading vertically to examine the accuracy along the z -axis. (c) loading horizontally to examine the accuracy along the x -axis and y -axis full size image principles of hexapod-system-based measurement set up the frame and pose ...
compared to anamniote tetrapods such as salamanders. Swifter movements and increased performance are connected with faster accelerations and decelerations of the limbs and the center of mass of the body (CoM), and thus higher peak loading of the limbs and trunk. Consequently, amniotes have an ...
The limitation λ¯≤ 2 is required to ensure a satisfactory behavior under cyclic loading; the limitation 1.3 < λ¯ is given to avoid overloading of columns in the pre-buckling stage of compressed diagonals [18].Ωi,maxΩi,min≤1.25where: Ωi = Npl,Rd,i/NEd,i is the diagon...
A multi-axial test device was designed to obtain the material properties of the lumbar spine in combined loading modes. The custom designed tester consists of a rigid platen driven by three DC powered geared motors. Two motors, each connected to parallel linear actuators control the angular displa...
Axial spondyloarthritis [axSpA; formerly ankylosing spondylitis(AS)] is an inflammatory arthritis affecting primarily the sacroiliac joints (SIJs) and spine, and is considered to be the prototype of a group of clinically and genetically related diseases called the seronegative spondyloarthropathies (SpA...
Previously, we showed that embryonic deletion of TGF-β type 2 receptor in mouse sclerotome resulted in defects in fibrous connective tissues in the spine. Here we investigated how TGF-β regulates expression of fibrous markers: Scleraxis, Fibromodulin and Adamtsl2. We showed that TGF-β stimul...
The sample blot shows different parts of the same blot and PCNA was used as a loading control. The experiments were performed in independent triplicate (*p value < 0.05; unpaired Student’s t test). c Endocytic routing of E-cad at 50% epiboly. WT embryos and Tg(rab5-GFP), Tg(...