PURPOSE: To suppress incidental leakage of an engine operation medium in a minimum level by twisting and discharging air from an orifice in a top end part adjacent to the pressure surface of air foil of an inner air cooling turbine blade to the rotary shaft of the blade so as to lead it...
axial flow turbine 轴流式汽轮机相关短语 steam dump system (汽轮机事故时用的) 蒸汽排放系统 inner cage (汽轮发电机的) 内机座 unit speed (水轮机的) 比速 speed ring (水轮机的) 速度环 stay vane (水轮机的) 固定导叶 guide (燃气轮机的) 导向器 Johnson valve(高落差水轮机阀) 约翰逊阀 brea...
Improved combustor volume in turbine engines without an increased engine envelope is accomplished in an engine (10) having a radial compressor (12), an axial turbine (16), and a radial combustor (20) in which a generally radial flow path extends between a compressed air inlet (30) and a ...
Turbine - Axial, Radial, Mixed-Flow: Francis turbines are probably used most extensively because of their wider range of suitable heads, characteristically from three to 600 metres. At the high-head range, the flow rate and the output must be large; othe
axial flow 【机】 轴向流动 reversing adj. 回动的,反向的动词reverse的现在分词形式 axial a. 轴的,成轴的,轴周围的 turbine n. 1.涡轮(机),叶轮(机) flow v. [I] 1.(河水等)流动 2.川流不息 3.(潮)涨,泛滥;涌出 4.(头发,衣服)垂下;随风飘动 5.源自,来自(+from/out of) v. [T...
Shanghai Tongke Flow Technology Co., Ltd. Start Order Request Contact Supplier Click here to contact the supplier through an inquiry. Chat People who viewed this also viewed Deep Well Stainless Steel Vertical Turbine Centrifugal Sea Water Pump for Irrigation US$3,500.00-9,000.00 /...
Axial Flow Pump, Pump Design, Turbine Pump Specialists for Farm and Irrigation - Paterson Pumps Australia
Hydrodynamically efficient, the LSV produces a higher degree of axial flow discharge compared to a conventional Pitch Blade Turbine (PBT). Ultimately, this allows the LSV to suspend solids for less energy than a Pitched Blade Turbine making it an ideal solution for energy saving upgrades. WHERE ...
axial flow 【机】 轴向流动 axial a. 轴的,成轴的,轴周围的 turbine n. 1.涡轮(机),叶轮(机) flow v. [I] 1.(河水等)流动 2.川流不息 3.(潮)涨,泛滥;涌出 4.(头发,衣服)垂下;随风飘动 5.源自,来自(+from/out of) v. [T] 1.溢过,淹没 gas n. 1.[U,C]气,气体 2.[U]煤...
6) parallel flow gas turbine 分流式燃气轮机补充资料:动力机械:燃气轮机燃烧室 燃气轮机中使喷入的燃料与从压气机来的高压空气混合燃烧从而形成高温燃气的设备。它能在近乎等压的条件下把燃料中的能量释放出来﹐直接加热工质(空气)以提高其作功能力。通常﹐它是用钢板和高温合金板料制成的。 燃烧过程的...