"ERROR:Xst:2647 - Failed to run core generator for <axi_quad_spi_0_wrapper_dist_mem_gen_v6_2> macro. ERROR:EDK:546 - Aborting XST flow execution! INFO:EDK:2246 - Refer to (path to your XPS project)/synthesis/axi_quad_spi_0_wrapper_xst.srp for details" I checked the synthesis/axi...
As your data ultimately needs to go to the Zynq, just connect the AXI4 i/f of this IP directly to the AXI4 Interconnect of the Zynq. This SPI IP has internal FIFOs, so you data is automatically buffered. SPI is a relatively slow protocol. Since AXI4 is much faster and you ha...
I want to use 2 AXI-QUAD SPI IP modules in vivado block design as per my hardware. I am using xc7a200tffg1156-1. I have added 2 spi IP modules and conneted all signals but while placing pins i am getting an error like below "[Place 30-99] Placer failed with error: 'There are...