VDMA 用于将 AXI Stream 格式的数据流转换为 Memory Map 格式或将 Memory Map 格式的数据转换为 AXI Stream 数据流, 也就是说 VDMA 内核旨在提供从 AXI4 域到 AXI4-Stream 域的视频读/写传输功能,反之亦然,从而实现系统内存(主要指DDR3) 和基于 AXI4-Stream 的目标视频 IP 之间的高速数据移动。VDMA 的框...
Hello, I would like an IP that I can program a start address from an SoC's CPU address space and a length, and the IP will read the memory via
Digital Blocks DB-AXI4-MM-TO-AXI4-STREAM-BRIDGE Verilog RTL IP Core accepts AXI4 Memory Map address, control, and data input, converts the address to ...
(也是AXI4-Stream转AXI4-MM)可以不需要ARM管理,但是在SOC开发时是危险的,这是后话了。 https://www.cnblogs.com/batianhu/p...AXIDMA: 官方解释是为内存与AXI4-Stream外设之间提供高带宽的直接存储访问。AXIDMA主要包括Memory Map和Stream两部分接口,前者连接PS子系统,后者则连接带有流 ...
DMA AXI4-Stream Interface to AXI Memory Map Address Space Compute Express Link (CXL) 2.0 Controller with AMBA AXI interface CCIX 1.1 Controller with AMBA AXI interface Receives video data from Flir's Lepton IR-sensors, Video over SPI (VoSPI) ...
对于视频数据传输,AXI4-Stream端口可以配置从8位到1024位宽(8的倍数)。对于AXI4- stream端口比相关的AXI4内存映射端口窄的配置,AXI VDMA会在内存映射端升级或缩小提供全总线宽度突发的数据。它还支持异步操作模式,其中所有时钟都是异步处理的。 VDMA 用于将 AXI Stream 格式的数据流转换为 Memory Map 格式或将 Mem...
Hello, I would like an IP that I can program a start address from an SoC's CPU address space and a length, and the IP will read the memory via AXI-4 and generate AXI4-Stream data transactions as it is allowed by downstream tready. Xilinx has an AXI-DMA IP for thi...