The LogiCORE™ IP AXI Interrupt Controller (AXI INTC) core concentrates multiple interrupt inputs from peripheral devices to a single interrupt output to the system processor.
AXI Interrupt Controller,为中断控制器IP,能将外围的多个中断输入,集中到单个中断输出,再将中断传输给系统处理器。AXI 规范的从属接口访问用于检查,启用和确认中断的寄存器。 AXI INTC(中断控制器)具有以下特点: INTC可以通过 AXI4-Lite 接口访问,最高支持 32 个中断,中断控制器之间可以级联产生其他的中断信号并且支...
这是AXI INTC 中的一个可选只读寄存器,可以在 Vivado Design Suite Customize IP 对话框中通过选中 Enable Interrupt Pending Register (参数C_HAS_IPR)来设置。 读取这个寄存器的内容表明是否存在同样启用的活动中断。这个寄存器通过将 INTC 的读取次数减少一次来减少中断处理延迟。 这个寄存器中的每个位是 ISR 和 IE...
The LogiCORE™ IP AXI Interrupt Controller (AXI INTC) core concentrates multiple interrupt inputs from peripheral devices to a single interrupt output to the system processor. The registers used for checking, enabling, and acknowledging interrupts are accessed through a slave interface for the AMBA...
AXI INTC: AXI Interrupt Controller (INTC) 核可将来自外设器件的多个中断输入集中到系统处理器的单一中断输出。使用寄存器来检查、启用和确认中断。 此示例的主要目的是将超过 16 个中断连接到 PS。AXI INTC 核可支持我们满足此需求。使用单一 AXI INTC 块的情况下最多可连接 32 个中断,并且您还可使用级联。(...
AXI INTC: AXI Interrupt Controller (INTC) 核可将来自外设器件的多个中断输入集中到系统处理器的单一中断输出。使用寄存器来检查、启用和确认中断。 此示例的主要目的是将超过 16 个中断连接到 PS。AXI INTC 核可支持我们满足此需求。使用单一 AXI INTC 块的情况下最多可连接 32 个中断,并且您还可使用级联。(...
The LogiCORE™ IP AXI Interrupt Controller (AXI INTC) core concentrates multiple interrupt inputs from peripheral devices to a single interrupt output to the system processor. The registers ... 27 AXI Interconnect Included at no additional charge with Vivado and ISE Design Suite The AXI Inte...
AXI Interrupt Controller支持中断优先级。 在Vivado Block Design中, bit-0连接的中断优先级最高, 越靠近bit-0的中断优先级最高。 AXI Interrupt Controller的手册pg099中的描述如下: Priority between interrupt requests is determined by vector position. The least significantbit(LSB, inthiscasebit0) has the...
The LogiCORE™ IP AXI Interrupt Controller (AXI INTC) core concentrates multiple interrupt inputs from peripheral devices to a single interrupt output to the system processor. The registers ... 27 AXI Interconnect Included at no additional charge with Vivado and ISE Design SuiteThe AXI Interconnect...
It enables Microblaze interrupts after blocking further interrupts from the current interrupt number and interrupts below current interrupt priority by writing to Interrupt Level Register of INTC on entry. On exit, it disables microblaze interrupts and restores ILR register default value(0xFFFFFFFF)back...