ZCU106 run error :Error while launching program: AXI AP transaction error, DAP status f0000021,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
AXI access results in APB AP transaction error dap status f0000021 I'm facing a problem with (I suspect) the AXI general purpose master interface on a zynq XC7Z045 and don't know where to look for the problem:- Software on the CPU starts without any issues, writes so...
76668 - Vitis 2021.1 - Error while launching program: Memory write error at 0x0. Blocked address 0x0. AXI AP transaction error. DAP status 0x30000021 Description I cannot download a bare-metal application for a custom XSA using the Vitis debug flow: This issue is observed for Versal Prime ...
所以对于S会有两个HREADY信号,一个来自总线的输入,一个自己给到多路器的输出; HRESP:S应答当前传输状态,OKAY、ERROR、RETRY、SPLIT; HRDATA:读数据总线,从S读到M; AHB基本传输 两个阶段 地址周期(AP),只有一个cycle 数据周期(DP),由HREADY信号决定需要几个cycle 流水线传送 先是地址周期,然后是数据周期 AHB突...
软件使用了bperez77_xilinx_axidma的内核和用户态驱动。bperez77_xilinx_axidma要求接收通道,和发送通道的xlnx,device-id不一样。因此在linux的设备树里,把每个AXI DMA设备的接收通道、发送通道的xlnx,device-id依次设置为了1、2、3、4。运行bperez77的用户态测试程序axidma_transfer时,报告错误。
Xilinx从Spartan-6和Virtex-6系列开始使用AXI协议来连接IP核。在7系列和ZYNQ-7000 AP SoC器件中,Xilinx...
Xilinx从Spartan-6和Virtex-6系列开始使用AXI协议来连接IP核。在7系列和ZYNQ-7000 AP SoC器件中,Xilinx...
print("Error Initializing Multiply module!\n"); } print("Initializing DMA module for multiply...\n"); axidma_mult_cfg = XAxiDma_LookupConfig(XPAR_AXIDMA_0_DEVICE_ID); if(axidma_mult_cfg) { int status = XAxiDma_CfgInitialize(&axidma_mult, axidma_mult_cfg); if(status != XST_SUC...
typedef ap_axiu<32,4,5,5> AXI_VALUE; If I just alter ap_axiu to 64 instead of 32 will I get best throughput? My values are floats (32-bit) so after receiving each 64-bit value won't I need something to divide them in 2 while doing this: in_stream.read(aValue); ? @vkosa...
Xilinx从Spartan-6和Virtex-6系列开始使用AXI协议来连接IP核。在7系列和ZYNQ-7000 AP SoC器件中,Xilinx...