The lengthwise axes (12) of the two weights form an angle (11) of between 90 and 120 degrees, and preferably 106-113 degrees.THUAUD ROBERT
Correct handling and visualization of instance weights. Support for missing values in factors. If the data set is too large to plot, sampling is applied. You can also create a grid of plots: Distribution of each column in a data frame; ...
Improvement made to the ducts made of wood, and more particularly to the ducts of pickaxes, weights, flaps, forks chippingsBERNARD MADELEINE
W. Henderson, 1941. Relations of weights and volumes of eggs to measurements of long and short axes. Poultry Sci. 20:556-564.Baten, W. D. & Henderson, E. W., 1941. Relations of weights and volumes of eggs to measurements of long and short axes. Poult. Sci. 20: 556–564....
An electrodynamic motor comprised of 2 or 4 orthogonally acting electromagnets, and servo-controlled to the vibrations to be dampened, generates a motion of the 2 weights which is opposite to the vibrations to be dampened and along 2 orthogonal axes.CLAUSIN JACQUES...
An electrodynamic motor comprised of 2 or 4 orthogonally acting electromagnets, and servo-controlled to the vibrations to be dampened, generates a motion of the 2 weights which is opposite to the vibrations to be dampened and along 2 orthogonal axes.CLAUSIN JACQUES...
Narrow gauge mine railway track unit - has dimensions setting axes within stem width and above centre profile so that weights is distributedThe track unit for a mine or other narrow-gauge railway has two transversely connected rails (1) made from high-stemmed, flanged, asymmetricla rolled ...
Perpetual motion machine using gravitational force - uses group of weights supported between two discs with separate axes so that weights are held such that net forces are asymmetricalMechanical rotation is obtained from gravitational force, or alternatively buoyancy, using a group of equal weights (...
An electrodynamic motor comprised of 2 or 4 orthogonally acting electromagnets, and servo-controlled to the vibrations to be dampened, generates a motion of the 2 weights which is opposite to the vibrations to be dampened and along 2 orthogonal axes.CLAUSIN, JACQUES...