AXA XL, AXA France, AXA UK & Ireland offer an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), a free and confidential service, to assist with any difficulty employees may have in life (at AXA Spain this service is extended to direct relatives). At AXA XL UK, employees have access to a Stronger ...
On-demand wellness services app.Maxaxa has the potential to thrive as an on-demand app that connects users with various wellness services such as yoga classes, massage therapists, nutritionists, life coaches, and more. In today's busy world where self-care is valued but time is limited, Max...
Ġikkur: "Nistiraw u Nagħmlu l-Yoga bħar-Reġina Pirjola" €8.50 €7.50 Inpinġi bl-Imqass ma' Henri Matisse €8.50 €7.50 Spinola Bay: 10 000 mojitos on the rock €16.00 Novelli / Short Stories €18.50 €15.00 Isabelle ...
🔴Yoga Mat, 港幣$3804款: 紅色→PAIN IS GAIN / 墨綠色→儘力就是最好 / 黑色→POWER ON / 白色→堅持就是勝利** 為 MaskOn._ 合作商品,三項香味均由Mi親自挑選🥰 ^擴香瓶,香薰蠟燭每人各限買兩件,敬請留意演唱會期間每天6:30pm在紅館現場(綠閘入口旁)開賣 ️ 暫時只設現場發售...
45、is a way of paying attention to the present moment,using techniques like meditation,breathing and yoga.It helps people become more aware of their thoughts and feelings,in a non-judgemental fashion,so that instead of being overwhelmed,they are better able to manage them.Studies show that min...
Make a Claim– Submit medical claims based on eligibility and track the claim status at any time. Mind Charger– A mindfulness meditation tool with selective modules guided by the renowned yoga instructor,Margaret Chung. Through this tool, users can enhance their daily lives and build up r...
breathing and yoga.It helps people become more aware of their thoughts and feelings,in a non-judgemental fashion,so that instead of being overwhelmed,they are better able to manage them.Studies show that mindfulness-based approaches can significantly reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression....
BikeNYoga 1.0 直线距离<100m 《希望》雕塑 2.9 地标观景 直线距离<100m 查看全部 梅西百货(纽约先锋广场店) 4.6 分 287条点评 综合商场 减 9.5折电子礼品卡 直线距离1.4km 萨克斯第五大道百货(纽约店) 4.7 分 29条点评 综合商场 减 9.8折电子礼品卡 直线距离633m 博洛茗百货(纽约SoHo店) 4....
首批搭载骁龙X Elite的笔记本包括联想ThinkPad T14s、联想YOGA Air 14s、华硕无畏Pro15、戴尔XPS 13、戴尔Latitude 7455、惠普Elitebook Ultra、微软Surface Laptop、微软Surface Pro 和宏碁非凡Go Pro AI等产品均搭载了骁龙X Elite处理器。 骁龙X Elite平台具备极为出色的性能和能效表现,丰富了广大消费者在ARM PC方面...
唱功:林宥嘉是靠极有辨识度的唱腔契合伤感的情歌打动的歌曲,也是最早我入了yoga歌曲之坑的开端。建议回头可以找这几首歌曲听一下。 今天要说的《浪费》,其实最早听到的反而不是林宥嘉的情歌听得太多,所以现在很少有什么情歌能打动我,对于苦情歌更是到了一种很反感的地步。 我还是那句话,音乐 O林宥嘉的哪首歌曲最...