Archer AX11000 Enter the 10 Gbps Wi-Fi Era Faster speed the router is, less congestion for gaming rigs. Armed with Wi-Fi 6, Archer AX11000 becomes the next-level speed machine that offers astonishing Wi-Fi speeds up to 10756 Mbps with an extended range.1 Learn more about Wi-Fi 6 (80...
Archer AX11000 is a next-level WiFi 6 speed machine with stunning WiFi speeds up to 10756 Mbps and extended range. Game Accelerator provides unrivaled power to dominate your game.
ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 是第一款採用Aura RGB燈光效果的ROG路由器,可以顯示數百種顏色和多種效果,打造個人專屬電競風格,帶來絢麗的電競新美學。 靜態 脈動 色彩循環 彗星 快閃猛擊 強化前線網路安全性 ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 搭載 Trend Micro™支援的 AiProtection Pro,可在外部攻擊與威脅危及您的裝置前便加以...
AX11000 Tri-band WiFi 6 Gaming Router –World's first 10 Gigabit WiFi router with a quad-core CPU, PS5 compatible, 2.5G port, DFS band, Adaptive QoS, AiMesh for mesh wifi system and free network securityTriple-level Game Acceleration –Accelerate game traffic every step of the way - from...
the 389 CHF GT-AX11000 by ASUS is a high performance, fast router with a lot of configuration options to optimize your home network. test winner the 389 CHF GT-AX11000 by ASUS is a high performance, fast router with a lot of configuration options to optimize your home network. PCM...
而且即使使用华硕灵耀Pro AX11000路由器的无线网络来访问NAS,也可以轻松跑到接近5G频段2.4Gbps极限速度,无线访问速度已经达到了232MB/s。这让我屋里的整体网络体验极佳。华硕灵耀Pro AX11000路由器还支持链路聚合,此外,华硕AS6704T也支持SMB多通道技术,我们将2根网线全部插满,注意路由器上也要插满2个2.5G网口...
华硕 ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 搭载了博通 BCM4908 1.8GHz 四核处理器和 1GB 运行内存,这与 ax86u 型号保持一致。处理器作为路由器的核心,影响着路由器的性能和稳定性;运行内存则关系到路由器在处理多任务时的流畅度。在这方面,GT-AX11000 表现出色,为用户提供稳定的网络环境奠定了基础。再来看看网络接口。
总的来说,华硕(ASUS)灵耀Pro AX11000M三频万兆分布式Mesh无线路由器以其卓越的性能、强大的配置、广泛的兼容性、安全可靠的特点以及便捷的操作体验,成为了追求极致网络体验用户的首选之一。它就像一位默默无闻的守护者,为我们的数字生活保驾护航!
开箱.败家之眼 华硕..开箱.败家之眼 华硕路由器ax11000. 家里宽带升级.随之让朋友从澳洲寄回. 澳洲的路由器刚好打折。便宜. 折合rmb3000。但朋友居然直邮dhl国内,被税400。但还是便宜。之前用rt -ac