URYSIS-2400 and AX-4030 anti-interference abilities against vitamin C were up to 50mg/dL on glucose (GLU) and ERY. Conclusions There is a good consistency between the results of URYSIS-2400 and AX-4030, but urine chemistry analyzer is used only for screening,and the results should be ...
urysis尿液分析仪urineanalyzersconsistency 文章编号:1673 8640(2014)06 0651 05 中图分类号:R446.11 文献标志码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1673 8640.2014.06.017ROCHEURYSIS 2400和AIKELAIAX 4030尿液干化学分析仪检测一致性的比较吴 蕙, 王蓓丽, 郭玮, 潘柏申(复旦大学医学院附属中山医院检验科,上海200032) 摘要:目的...
Keyword: Urine dry-chemistry analyzer; Comparison test; Urine sediment microscopy Show Figures 尿液分析是常用的临床筛查项目之一,为临床相关疾病的诊断和疗效观察提供依据[ 1]。本研究主要对2台不同型号尿液干化学分析仪ROCHE URYSIS-2400和AIKELAI AX-4030各项检测参数进行比较,包括比重(SG)、酸碱度(pH)、白...
结论 URYSIS-2400和AX-4030检测结 果一致性良好,但尿液干化学分析仪只是筛检仪器,还应结合显微镜尿沉渣计数复核的结果以满足临床需要。 关键词:尿液于化学分析仪;比对试验;尿沉渣显微镜 ComparisonontheconsistencybetweenROCHEURYSIS-2400andAIKELAIAX-4030urinedry. chemistryanalyzers WUHui,WANGBeili,GUOWei, ⅣBaishen...
Evaluation of Aution Max AX-4030 and 9UB Uriflet, 10PA Aution Sticks urine dipsticks in the automated urine test strip analysis Background: Aution Max AX-4030, a test strip analyzer recently introduced to the market, represents an upgrade of the Aution Max AX-4280 widely employed fo... C...
Evaluation of Aution Max AX-4030 and 9UB Uriflet, 10PA Aution Sticks urine dipsticks in the automated urine test strip analysis.doi:10.1515/CCLM.2011.718Aution Max AX-4030, a test strip analyzer recently introduced to the market, represents an upgrade of the Aution Max AX-4280 widely ...