AwsApiGatewayMethodSettings clone() boolean equals(Object obj) Boolean getCacheDataEncrypted() Indicates whether the cached responses are encrypted. Integer getCacheTtlInSeconds() Specifies the time to live (TTL), in seconds, for cached responses. Boolean getCachingEnable...
I have an API who writes something in DynamoDB with a lambda function written in Node.js. When i'm calling it within the AWS console, the API works as expected. I send a body like that: { "user-id":"4dz545zd", "name":"Bush", "firstname":"Gerard", } And that creates...
I have a simple POST method connected to a lambda function in myAWS API Gateway. When I perform a test (via the Gateway API console) everything works fine and the test gets the results I am looking for. Its simple - post a JSON, get back a JSON. However, after de...
AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Integration Properties: ApiId: Fn::GetAtt: - testWsApiBackendWsApi40DF2EE8 - ApiId IntegrationType: MOCK PassthroughBehavior: WHEN_NO_TEMPLATES RequestTemplates: $default: '{"statusCode":200}' TemplateSelectionExpression: \$default MockWithAuthAwsStackwsMockRo...
No unused api in yaml. I Have only 1 lambda function defined in template.yaml I referred to No integration defined for method - Choose a stage where your API will be deployed , before posting this! Thanks! aws-cloudformation aws-api-gateway openapi aws-sam Share Improve this question...
I've got API Gateway setup to point to a lambda function, setup as aaws_proxy. I can GET, POST, DELETE just fine, but I'm trying to add a PUT and I gettingMethod PUT is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Methods in preflight response. ...