This value must be unique within the core definition version. Max length is 128 characters with pattern ''[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+''. Returns: Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. setSyncShadow public void setSyncShadow(Boolean syncShadow) If true, ...
CoreDefinitionVersion public CoreDefinitionVersion() Method Detail getCores public List<Core> getCores() A list of cores in the core definition version. Returns: A list of cores in the core definition version. setCores public void setCores(Collection<Core> cores) A list of cores in the...
Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. HistoryHistory Breadcrumbs aws-sdk-java /aws-java-sdk-core / pom.xmlTop File metadata and controls Code Blame 123 lines (123 loc) · 4.23 KB Raw <?xml version="1.0"?> <project xsi:schemaLocation="
Hi, I am using Jackson 2.6.6 version as my aws-java-sdk-core is 1.11.77 i am trying to invoke my aws java code in lambda function. when i run my code i got following errors: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper.enable([Lcom/fasterxml/jackson/core/JsonParser$Feature;)Lcom/faster...
of the corresponding ''VersionInformation'' object, which is returned by ''ListCoreDefinitionVersions'' requests. If the version is the last one that was associated with a core definition, the value also maps to the ''LatestVersion'' property of the corresponding ''Defin...
IntegergetLatestVersionId() The ID of a core network policy. StringgetPolicyDocument() The policy document. inthashCode() voidsetClientToken(StringclientToken) The client token associated with the request. voidsetCoreNetworkId(StringcoreNetworkId) ...
The ID of the latest version associated with the definition. String getLatestVersionArn() The ARN of the latest version associated with the definition. String getName() The name of the definition. int hashCode() void setArn(String arn) The ARN of the definition. void se...
public void setPolicyVersionId(Integer policyVersionId) The ID of the policy version. Parameters: policyVersionId - The ID of the policy version. getPolicyVersionId public Integer getPolicyVersionId() The ID of the policy version. Returns: The ID of the policy version. withPolicyVe...
The ID of the parent definition that the version is associated with. String getVersion() The ID of the version. int hashCode() void setArn(String arn) The ARN of the version. void setCreationTimestamp(String creationTimestamp) The time, in milliseconds s...
public void setCoreVersion(String coreVersion) The version of the IoT Greengrass Core software that the core device runs. This version is equivalent to the version of the Greengrass nucleus component that runs on the core device. For more information, see the Greengrass nucleus component ...