Using a Working Backwards process—which brought workshop participants closer to the source of the problem—Bellevue and its SS4A application collaborators identified projects that can lead to improved road safety outcomes. Having found utility in the process, Bellevue is intent on sharing this...
In May 2020, the Rhode Island DLT participated in a “Working Backwards” workshop facilitated by the AWS WWPS DI team. During these sessions, the Rhode Island DLT developed the idea for its “pizza tracker” tool—an online portal that will track the status of a claimant’s UI benefits ...
AWS Support customers with Enterprise Support can request the Operational Readiness Review Workshop from their Technical Account Manager. The workshop is an interactive working backwards session to develop your own ORR checklist. Level of effort for the implementation plan: High. Adopting an ORR ...
This is will normally be described under the Working Backwards section of your RFC. To sign-off, the API bar raiser will add the api-approved label to the RFC pull request. Once the API was signed-off, update your RFC document and add a [x] the relevant location in the RFC document....
To create a comprehensive business domain model, what used to take many weeks of email, phone call or meeting exchanges can be reduced to a single workshop. Simple: Event Storming encourages the use of "Ubiquitous language" that both the technical and non-technical stakeholders can understand. ...
Lita: My advice to any stakeholder working on a digital-medicine project is to start with the customer and work backwards. Be comfortable if you wind up with a low-fidelity or non-technological solution. That’s fine as long as it's effective and solves the problem. Not e...
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Workshop attendees can see the development of the experiments thanks to a camera and oscilloscope connected to the instructor's computer. SESSION 15 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM S15: PV Inverter Design – Topologies, Control and System Considerations ROOM 101AB TRACK: Design Arnab Acharya, Raja ...
The ‘Operational Readiness Review’ workshop is an interactive “working backwards” session on people, process and mechanisms for customers. The workshop helps customers achieve a consistent process (including a checklist) for evaluating operational readiness of workloads prior to launch. Customers use...
We’ll be unveiling additional exciting updates in the coming months. These enhancements are driven by our focus on innovation and based on our commitment to delivering value to our customers. VisitAWS Supply Chainto learn more and get started. You can also visit theAWS Workshop Studiofor a...