EC2 User Data Looking back at the EC2 user data example from the Parameter value is a long text body section, file:// was used to pass the shell script as text to --user-data. However in some cases, the value passed to --user-data is a binary file. One limitation of passing user...
The Deadline SQS notification documentation provides anexample of notification processingthat includes the IAM, DynamoDB, Lambda Python function, and CloudWatch log configuration, together with Deadlineexample notification messages. Summary In this post, we explained how to setup Deadline’s Spot Eve...
{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Description": "An example service that deploys in AWS VPC networking mode on EC2 capacity. Service uses a capacity provider to request EC2 instances to run on. Service runs with networking in private subnets, but still accessible to the internet...
{ "Id":"ExamplePolicy", "Version":"2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid":"AllowSSLRequestsOnly", "Action":"s3:*", "Effect":"Deny", "Resource": [ ...
For example if AWSSDK.SQS version came out today when the current version of AWSSDK.Core is then AWSSDK.SQS would be compatible with all versions of AWSSDK.Core starting from up to but not including a future y - Incremented for a new SDK...
Example This example illustrates one usage of DescribeUser. Sample Request {"OtherAttributes": ["department","manager","ipPhone"],"Realm":"","SAMAccountName":"twhitlock"} Sample Response {"DirectoryId":"d-926example","DistinguishedName":"Terry Whitlock","EmailAddress":"terry.wh...
Here // is an example using just a couple of the required options. var config = { cognito: { // Your Cognito Pool Id - this is required to provide AWS credentials poolId: '<your cognito pool id>' }, lex: { // Lex Bot Name in your account botName: '<your lex bot name>' }...
Enter the IP address of the firewall that you suspect is controlling the user's access in the Sensor ID field. If it could be more than one firewall, filter events using attribute:value pairs in the search bar. Make two entries and combine them with an OR statement. ...
see Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. The data is stored in Amazon S3 at s3://region.elasticmapreduce.samples/cloudfront/data where region is your region, for example, us-west-2. When you enter the location when you submit the step, you omit the cloudfront/data portion because the script ...
--from-literal=aws_secret_access_key=wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY Update the values of aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key in the above command. Step 3: Create the AWSSQSSource Resource Create the AWSSQSSource resource that will bring the events that occur on the SQS...