Powershell ギャラリーからインストールする シナリオ Windows PowerShell 用 AWS Tools を使用すると、AWS SDK for .NET で使用できるのと同じアクションの多くを実行できます。Amazon EC2 インスタンスの制御のような即座のタスクについては、コマンドラインからこのツールを使用できます。
您可以通过以下两种 AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell 方式之一进行安装: 从AWSPowerShell.zip下载模块并将其解压缩到其中一个模块目录中。您可以通过显示PSModulePath变量的值来查找模块目录。 警告 下载ZIP文件后,在提取内容之前,可能需要将其解除封锁。这通常是通过打开文件属性,查看 “常规” 选项卡,然后选择 “...
您可以使用 AWS Tools for PowerShell 執行與 Amazon EC2 相關的常見任務。 此處列出的範例命令假設您已經設定 PowerShell 工作階段的預設憑證與預設區域;因此,當我們呼叫 cmdlet 時不包含憑證或區域。如需更多詳細資訊,請參閱 開始使用 AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell。。 主題 建立金鑰對 建立安全群組 尋找AMI...
使用New-EC2Address Amazon Tools for Windows PowerShell 命令。 https://docs./powershell/latest/reference/items/New-EC2Address.html PowerShell 要将公有密钥导入至 Amazon EC2 使用Import-EC2KeyPair Amazon Tools for Windows PowerShell 命令。 验证密钥对是否已成功导入 https://docs./powershell/latest/ref...
The AWS Tools for PowerShell let developers and administrators manage their AWS services and resources in the PowerShell scripting environment. Now you can manage your AWS resources with the same PowerShell tools you use to manage your Windows, Linux, and MacOS environments....
* AWS Tools for PowerShell now use AWS .NET SDK 3.7.751.0 and leverage its new features and improvements. Please find a description of the changes at https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-net/blob/main/changelogs/SDK.CHANGELOG.ALL.md. * Amazon Amplify * Modified cmdlet New-AMPDomainAssociation:...
AWS Tools for PowerShell 6 Ramesh Waghmare 著 更新时间:2021-07-15 17:10:05 开会员,本书免费读 >最新章节: 【正版无广】Summary 计算机网络 编程语言与程序设计 Thisbookwillbeusefulfor(butnotlimitedto)WindowsSystemadministrators,cloudengineers,architects,DevOpsengineers,andallthosewhowanttoaccomplishtasks...
AWS.Toolsis the new modular variant ofAWS Tools for PowerShell, which is preferred for most use cases. It has the same capabilities asAWSPowerShellandAWSPowerShell.NetCoreand is compatible with all modern platforms: Windows PowerShell5.1 when.NET Framework4.7.2 (or newer) is installed ...
AWS Tools for PowerShell 6Ramesh Waghmare 计算机网络 / 编程语言与程序设计 · 7.3万字更新时间:2021-07-15 17:10:05开会员,本书免费读 > Thisbookwillbeusefulfor(butnotlimitedto)WindowsSystemadministrators,cloudengineers,architects,DevOpsengineers,andallthosewhowanttoaccomplishtasksontheAWSPublicCloud...
Again, for reference, the destination folders you can choose by default are:–/Users/[username]/.local/share/powershell/Modules (OS X 10.11.6) –/usr/local/microsoft/powershell/6.0.0-alpha.9/Modules (OS X 10.11.6) –/home/[username]/.local/share/powershell/Modules (Ubuntu 14.0...