AWS Professional Services, and more than 170 certified AWS Migration Competency Partners to guide your migration and modernization journey. Our approach to migrating and modernizing drives real and measurable outcomes for our customers across cost savings, staff productivity, operational resilience, and bus...
数据库迁移:AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) 虚拟机迁移:AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN) 对象存储迁移:Rclone 擎朗智能 智能机器人管理平台迁移架构图 客户背景: 上海擎朗智能科技有限公司(KEENON)是一家致力于为全球企业提供智慧无人配送解决方案的人工智能企业。公司成立于2010年,总部位于上海...
在源数据库实例上,向wordpress-user数据库用户授予权限(我们将在 CDC 功能中使用该用户) mysql>GRANT REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* to'wordpress-user';Query OK,0rows affected(0.01sec)mysql>GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* to'wordpress-user';Query OK,0rows affected(0.00sec)mysql>GRANT SUPER ON *.* to...
AWS Migration Hub 透過探索、評估、規劃和執行,提供引導式端對端遷移和現代化旅程。 從一個位置存取最新的指引和工具,以取得自動化建議、規範性計畫以及跨團隊協作和追蹤,以加速轉型。憑藉將數千位客戶遷移至 AWS 的經驗在 Migration Hub 所打造的專業服務,立即簡化應用程式的主機轉換、重構和平台轉換。
AWS MIGRATION Elevation through AWS Migration Whether your organization is looking to lift and shift your application or refactor to take advantage of cloud native services, Caylent believes your migration should result in a substantial advantage from your previous environment. Caylent doesn't just mig...
Up to 46% faster cloud migrations 76% reduction in unplanned downtime with better availability and fewer issues with applications Accenture has more than 5,400 VMware skilled resources, 800+ VMware certifications, and 400 VMware Cloud on AWS migration specialists. DOWNLOAD THE BROCHURE The...
Astadia’s AWS migration solution guarantees that the migrated application is functionally equivalent to the original application. Automated Migration and Testing 100% automated code and data conversion, automated testing tools for both batch and online workloads, and fully integrated automated workflow. ...
收集到的数据以加密格式保存在 AWS Application Discovery Service 数据 您可以将此数据导出为CSV文件,并用它来估算在上运行的总拥有成本 (TCO) AWS 并计划您的迁移到 AWS。 此外,此数据还可在 AWS Migration Hub,您可以在其中迁移已发现的服务器,并在它们迁移到时跟踪它们的进度 AWS. ...
使用AWS Application Migration Service 將支援的虛擬機器 (VM) 遷移至 AWS 上的 Amazon EC2 執行個體。
自动发现和数据收集。使用自动数据收集和分析来创建迁移组合。不要将您的分析基于手动创建的电子表格或口头交流。让机器收集有关库存和使用统计信息的数据。您收集的数据越精确越好。在大多数情况下,AWS Migration Evaluator 服务将帮助您做到这一点。投资组合管理。创建要迁移的工作负载组合,对其进行分析,为每个工作负载...