The AWS Step Functions API contains several data types that various actions use. This section describes each data type in detail.
"Lambda Invoke":{"Type": "Task", "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke", "Parameters":{"Payload.$": "$", "FunctionName": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:123456789012:function:HelloFunction:$LATEST" }, "End": true } Task types ...
You can only use string as acceptable data types. JSON to String and StringToJSON When the customer submitted the input to DynamoDB, there was no way to change object to string within the object, so customers couldn’...
There are two types of questions on the examination: Multiple-choice: Has one correct response and three incorrect responses (distractors). Multiple-response: Has two or more correct responses out of five or more options. Distractors, or incorrect answers, are response options that an examinee ...
Bottlerocket now also supports AWS Neuron accelerated instance types and provides a default bootstrap container image that simplifies system setup tasks.
AWS Step Functions (.monitorStepFunction(),.monitorStepFunctionActivity(),monitorStepFunctionLambdaIntegration(),.monitorStepFunctionServiceIntegration())Execution count and breakdown per stateDuration, failed, failed rate, aborted, throttled, timed out executions ...
In general, “cloud computing” can refer to one of three types of cloud: “public,”“private,” and “hybrid.” AWS is a public cloud provider, since anyone can use it. Private clouds are within a single (usually large) organization. Many companies use a hybrid of private and public ...
Load balancer types: Application Load Balancer Network mapping → Mappings:选择至少2个可用区 Security groups: 选择的安全组中需要允许8000端口(集群对外提供服务的端口,可修改) Listeners and routing:监听HTTP,8000端口,Default action选择刚创建的目标群组 ...
Load balancer types: Application Load Balancer Network mapping → Mappings:选择至少2个可用区 Security groups: 选择的安全组中需要允许8000端口(集群对外提供服务的端口,可修改) Listeners and routing:监听HTTP,8000端口,Default action选择刚创建的目标群组 ...
For more information refer toAWS Instance Types for SAP HANA - SAP HANA on AWS Follow the guidelines in theSAP HANA Quick Start Guide, Planning the Deploymenton instance types, storage, memory sizing, and Multi-AZ deployments. The EC2 instances need to be spread over different availability zone...