浏览 AWS Step Functions 界面 在深入了解我们的用例的核心功能之前,让我们先登录 AWS 账户后通过以下四个步骤来熟悉 Step Function 界面:在顶部的搜索栏中输入“Step Functions”关键字。从结果中选择相应的图标。点击“开始”图标开始创建第一步功能。最后,由于我们要创建自己的状态机,因此请选择“创建自己的”选...
Knowledge of JSON:需要对 JSON 有基本的了解才能理解 Step Functions 的输入和输出数据格式。 浏览AWS Step Functions 界面 在深入了解我们的用例的核心功能之前,让我们先登录 AWS 账户后通过以下四个步骤来熟悉 Step Function 界面: 在顶部的搜索栏中输入“Step Functions”关键字。 从结果中选择相应的图标。 点击...
{"Comment":"A Hello World example of the Amazon States Language using an AWS Lambda function","StartAt":"HelloWorld","States":{"HelloWorld":{"Type":"Task","Resource":"arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:FailFunction","Retry": [{"ErrorEquals": ["States.TaskFailed"],"Interval...
On each step, for example, you can call a Lambda function, but you can also wait for human interactions or external API input. As a result, Step Functions provides a valuable service. And, best of all, Step Functions are also serverless! This means on-demand pricing and low operational c...
Step Functions 新增支援,使用新的分散式模式來協調大規模平行工作流程以進行Map狀態的資料處理。如需詳細資訊,請參閱在Step Functions 數中使用分散式模式中的對應狀態來處理大規模 parallel。 2022 年 12 月 1 日 新功能 Step Functions 現在支援存取在其他帳戶中設定的跨帳戶 AWS 資源。如需詳細資訊,請參閱 ...
How does AWS Step Functions work? Under the hood, Step Functions isa state machine, and its primary abstractions are called states. A Step Functions configuration constitutes a map of all possible steps and the transitions between them. ...
In this example, the Step Functions workflow uses a Map state in Distributed mode to process a list of S3 objects in an S3 bucket. Step Functions iterates over the list of objects and then launches thousands of parallel workflows, running concurrently, to process the items. You can use comp...
ItemsPath (in Map states) Variable (in Choice states) ResultSelector Variable to variable comparison operators Below is example of how global access to the context object simplify existing description. Dynamic Timeouts ASL opti...
🧭 Pulumi Roadmap About the Pulumi Examples Repo This repository contains examples of using Pulumi to build and deploy cloud applications and infrastructure across major programming languages. Each example has a two-part prefix, <cloud>-<language>, to indicate which <cloud> and <language> it pe...
littlstar/s3renity 🔥🔥🔥🔥 - Batch functions with concurrency control (each, map, reduce, filter, join) marcel/aws-s3 🔥🔥🔥 - Ruby implementation of Amazon's S3 REST API. mardix/flask-cloudy 🔥🔥 - Flask extension. MathieuLoutre/grunt-aws-s3 🔥🔥 - Grunt plugin. micka...