错误消息:“ssh: connect to host ec2-X-X-X-X.compute-1.amazonaws.com port 22: Connection refused”。这条消息来自远程主机。以下是此错误的常见原因: 主机已到达实例,但 SSH 端口上没有侦听的服务。 防火墙进行了阻止,并被设置为拒绝包,而非将其丢弃。 解决方法 “连接超时”错误 对于“连接超时”错误...
Otherwise, if ec2-user and root don’t work, check with your AMI provider. 代码语言:javascript 复制 ssh -i /path/my-key-pair.pem user_name@ip_address 3: (Optional) Connect to your instance using a password Open a terminal window. Use the following command to connect to your instance....
SSH access with a private RSA key 五. 上传和下载文件 上传 从本地电脑,例如我的 macbook,上传文件到 AWS EC2 instance scp -i "my_ec2_instance_key.cer" file_to_upload ubuntu@my_ec2_instance_public_domain_name:/home/ubuntu/. file_to_upload 是本地电脑上存放的一个文件, 文件上传后,被放置在...
要连接到实例,请使用以下命令之一。 (公有 DNS域名)要使用实例的公有 DNS 域名进行连接,我的操作系统版本是win10,打开命令行窗口,请输入以下命令(注意替换pem文件和域名为你自己的,ec2-user是Linux用户名): ssh -i "EC2forMQ.pem" ec2-user@ec2-161-189-**-**.cn-northwest-1.compute.amazonaws.com.cn...
在使用jumperver登录AWS ec2实例的时候发现ssh配合秘钥登录的时候无法登录, 具体报错如下: copy ssh-i/path/xx.pemuser@ denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic). 问题排查过程 在发现无法登录的第一时间等了AWS平台查看底层监控是否正常 ...
好久没更新了,主要是不知道写些啥。最近在玩AWS EC2发现了一个小问题。 虽然默认给了IPv6但是你还...
For SSH connection, port 22 has to be opened. For command ping, protocol IMCP should be enabled. 5. If everyting is good from AWS side, we should check the EC2 instance for next steps. If you enable the Detail Monitoring of the server, you can check logs without login server. ...
Today, AWS is introducing Amazon EC2 Instance Connect, a new way to control SSH access to your EC2 instances using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). About Amazon EC2 Instance Connect While infrastructure as code (IaC) tools such as Chef and Puppet have become cus...
ssh -l ec2-user -i .\ec2key.pem46.123.23.231-v -N -L localhost:9405: Naturally is the public IP of the EC2-instance. is the internal IP of the EC2-instance in my VPC. I can successfully connect via ssh to the instance usin...
Printed out the public keyGithub.puband copied it to my ec2 instance into~/.ssh/authorized_keys Created 2 more Repository SecretsSSH_HOSTANDSSH_USERwhere I put the domain name inSSH_HOSTand the user inSSH_USERSo when the workflow connects it do:SSH_USER@SSH_HOST ...