A Terraform module which sends SNS events to Slack with AWS lambda function awsaws-lambdaterraformaws-snsterraform-modules UpdatedFeb 3, 2023 Python A scheduler for large amounts of time precise events pythonawsserverlessaws-sns UpdatedDec 4, 2022 ...
CloudWatch和大多数的AWS服务都已经集成,同时支持以agent的形式运行在本地机房的服务器上,用户完全可以使用CloudWatch来建设统一的监控平台。对于事件警报响应也支持通过SNS Topic的形式触发Lambda以实现定制化的业务逻辑需求,比如通过Chime、Slack或微信等形式发送相关警报到相关责任人或团队。 AWS Lambda AWS Lambda 是...
提供以下CloudFormation代码: AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09" Description: "" Resources: SNSTopic: Type: "AWS::SNS::Topic" Properties: DisplayName: "" TopicName: "SNS_test" KmsMasterKeyId: "alias/aws/sns" 最后,我们创建Lambda函数,lambda函数会接受从SNS发来的数据,并将数据推送给Amazon...
The #aws-cdk Slack channel incdk.dev Ask a question onStack Overflowand tag it withaws-cdk The AWS CDK Roadmap lets developers know about our upcoming features and priorities to help them plan how to best leverage the CDK and identify opportunities to contribute to the project. SeeROADMAP....
Structure a Python project in hexagonal architecture More patterns Migrate VMware SDDC to VMware Cloud on AWS using VMware HCX PDF Created by Deepak Kumar (AWS) Summary Notice: As of April 30, 2024, VMware Cloud on AWS is no longer resold by AWS or its channel pa...
AWS CDK 2.177.0 API Reference Python Java .NET Go Developer Guide Examples Construct Hub›InterfacesAPI Reference Welcome aws-cdk-lib Overview Constructs AssetStaging CustomResource CustomResourceProvider NestedStack Stack Stage Classes Annotations App Arn AspectApplication AspectPriority Aspects Asset...
Build a monitoring stack withCDK-CloudWatchalarm,SNStopic and Web-hook lambda - Slack channel AWS CloudWatch X-RAY CDK testingwith Jest: Declarative tests CDKtest matchers captors CI/CDwithCodePipeline: CDKstages, test and deployment to production ...
I discovered in one of the many Slack channels I follow, this event-bus library that definitely helps achieve a more structured communication between loosely coupled elements (micro-frontends but not only):https://www.npmjs.com/package/@trutoo/event-bus ...
kinesis, sqs, sns - that allow you to decouple sending and receiving data (including python examples). 410. cloud home automation series:part 3 create web-client in node-red to control esp32 from web welcome to simple learning aws cloud home automation, zero to hero series. in ...
Now, let's setup a notification service (SNS). When an alarm is triggered, we'll receive an email. We receive a notification via SNS by subscribing to the topic (email subscription) whenever a message is sent to the topic. We need to create a SNS topic: ...