Environment variables provide another way to specify configuration options and credentials, and can be useful for scripting or temporarily setting a named profile as the default.
voidsetName(Stringname) The name or key of the environment variable. voidsetType(Stringtype) The type of environment variable. voidsetValue(Stringvalue) The value of the environment variable. StringtoString() Returns a string representation of this object. ...
简单说,要不加上这几行代码,要不就把clientConfiguration.cpp的127-134行代码删除 注意setenv是Linux添加环境变量的方法,windows是这样的 代码语言:javascript 复制 SetEnvironmentVariable("AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED","true"); 但我用windows的方法没用,不知道为什么 另外我在电脑里clientConfiguration.cpp也没有找到...
Start-Process "msiexec.exe" -Wait -ArgumentList "/i C:\egpu.msi /qn /L*v C:\egpu_msi_install.log" [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path",$env:Path + ";C:\Program Files\Amazon\EC2ElasticGPUs\manager\",[EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine) Restart-Computer -Force </powershell> Pow...
variable "profile" { type = string } variable "main-region" { type = string } output.tf vpc子模块输出变量,vpc子模块创建成功后,可以读取vpc相关信息,供上层或其他模块调用时读取 output "vpc_id" { description = "The ID of the VPC"
git push --set-upstream webapp-sample master Step 2:创建 CodeBuild project 打包镜像并推送到 ECR 在创建 CodeBuild project 之前,我们需要在 ECR 中先准备一个 repository,我们命名该 ECR repository 为 webapp-sample,它将是 CodeBuild project 推送镜像的 repository。详细的创建步骤请参考Creating...
envCredential, err := NewEnvironmentVariableCredentials()iferr !=nil{ log.Printf("error: %v", err)return} provider := NewAwsS3Provider(envCredential) cfg, err := awsconfig.LoadDefaultConfig(context.TODO(), awsconfig.WithCredentialsProvider(provider), awsconfig.WithEndpointResolverWithOptions(custom...
and having theAWS_DEFAULT_REGIONenvironment variable set asus-east-1. Share Improve this answer editedJan 14, 2020 at 19:26 answeredDec 13, 2019 at 22:26 ricoms 1,0071616 silver badges2222 bronze badges Add a comment 5 Continued to @Avi's answer. In MacOS. Should ...
This policy rejects a Pod or workload resources such as Deployments, ReplicaSets, DaemonSets , ReplicationControllers, Jobs, CronJobs etc. if a secret is found in the environment variable within a container, init container or ephemeral container. Secrets that are leaked in plain text or base64...
In order to create the default alarm set for an Amazon EC2 instance or AWS Lambda function, you simply need to tag the Amazon EC2 instance or AWS Lambda function with the activation tag key defined by theALARM_TAGenvironment variable. The default tag activation key isCreate_Auto_Alarms. ...