aws cloudwatch set-alarm-state --alarm-name PublishInSuccessAlarm --state-reason "initializing" --state-value ALARM 確認警示顯示在 CloudWatch 主控台中。 如何每天都在我的物件的影子更新遭拒時收到通知? 建立名為 的 Amazon SNS主題things-shadow-updates-rejected,並記錄其 Amazon Resource Name (ARN)。此...
如下截图。 在配置告警向导的第二步,选择Alarm state trigger是In alarm,选择通过SNS Topic的方式是Create new topic新建一个SNS Topic。在下方Create a new topic的位置输入新的SNS Topic名字clamavfound(注意不要有空格),然后下方输入要订阅这个Topic的邮箱用于接收告警。输入完成后,点击Create topic按钮创建SNS Top...
customMessage=customMessage+'\n- State Change:\t\t\t\t'+previousState+' -> '+state# Add alarm reason for changescustomMessage=customMessage+'\n- Reason for State Change:\t\t'+reason# Add alarm evaluation timeStampcustomMessage=customMessage+'\n- Timestamp:\t\t\t\t\t'+localTimeStamp+...
Set the required parameters for your deployment: EventState: (Default: ENABLED) Choose whether CloudWatch Event rules are enabled or disabled. CloudWatchAutoAlarmsArn: Provide the ARN of the Lambda function for CloudWatchAutoAlarms deployed in the specified AWS account. ...
🔸Notifications you receive from alarms will not have any contextual detail; they have only the specifics of the threshold, alarm state, and timing. 🔸By default, CloudWatch metric resolution is 1 minute. If you send multiple values of a metric within the same minute, they will be aggrega...
aws autoscaling suspend-process --auto-scaling-group-name myasgroup --scaling-processes AZRebalance|AlarmNotification|... 删除AS组 aws autoscaling delete-auto-scaling-group --auto-scaling-group-name myasgroup kinesis(未测试) 创建流 aws kinesis create-stream –stream-name mystream –shard-count ...
aws autoscaling suspend-process --auto-scaling-group-name myasgroup --scaling-processes AZRebalance|AlarmNotification|... 删除AS组 aws autoscaling delete-auto-scaling-group --auto-scaling-group-name myasgroup kinesis(未测试) 创建流 aws kinesis create-stream –stream-name mystream –shard-count ...
Stepped Scaling: Increase and decrease the current capacity of the group based on a set of scaling adjustments, known as step adjustments, that vary based on the size of the alarm breach. Target Tracking Scaling: Increase and decrease the current capacity of the group based on a Amazon CloudWa...
Dependent itemaws.ec2.alarm.state["{#ALARM_NAME}"] Preprocessing JSON Path:$.StateValue ⛔️Custom on fail: Set value to:3 JavaScript:The text is too long. Please see the template. Trigger prototypes for Instance Alarms discovery