身份验证令牌,然后可以使用Kubernetes SDK向Kubernetes进行身份验证。换句话说,我希望从EKS获得一个身份验...
Java application connects to Amazon S3, uploads file, builds Maven project, runs application, creates/deletes S3 bucket. April 12, 2024 Sdk-for-java › developer-guide Set up AWS temporary credentials and AWS Region for development Migrate to AWS SDK for Java 2.x before end-of-support. Se...
SDK 不是创建请求然后在实例中传递,而是提供了一个流畅的 API,你可以用它来创建请求。使用流畅的 API,您可以使用 Java lambda 表达式来 “内联” 创建请求。 以下示例使用通过生成器创建请求的runInstances方法版本重写了前面的示例。 // Create the request by using a lambda expression.RunInstancesResponse response...
AWS SDK for Java v2 Features Updated endpoint and partition metadata. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Features Adding support for the new fullSnapshotSizeInBytes field in the response of the EC2 EBS DescribeSnapshots API. This field represents the size of all the blocks that were written to the so...
The official AWS SDK for Java - Version 2. Contribute to aws/aws-sdk-java-v2 development by creating an account on GitHub.
Tag: aws-sdk-java-v2 AWS CRT Client for Java adds GraalVM Native Image support Preview Release of the Migration Tool for the AWS SDK for Java 2.x The AWS SDK for Java 1.x is in maintenance mode, effective July 31, 2024 Announcing end-of-support for AWS SDK for Java v1.x effective...
服务。本文主要介绍不同开发平台的 S3 SDK 的适配步骤。在完成添加适配步骤后,您就可以使用 S3 SDK ...
We’re pleased to announce the Developer Preview of the AWS SDK for Java 2.0. The 2.0 version of the SDK is a major rewrite of the 1.11.x code base. It’s built on top of Java 8 and adds several, frequently requested features, like support for non-blocking I/O and the ability to...
以AWS Java SDK 1.11.609版本为例,介绍完成初始化实例的方法。 通过代码读取临时访问凭证的方式完成初始化 // 通过环境变量传递临时访问凭证信息。StringaccessKeyId=System.getenv().get("OSS_AccessKeyId");;StringaccessKeySecret=System.getenv().get("OSS_AccessKeySecret");;StringsessionToken=System.getenv()....
### 摘要 AWS SDK for Java 2.0是对1.0版本的一次全面重写,它带来了许多令人期待的新特性。这次更新不仅提升了性能和易用性,还增加了诸多功能,使得开发者可以更高效地构建云应用。与1.0版本相比,2.0版本采用了全新的设计思路和技术架构,更好地适应了现代软件开发的需求。 ### 关键词 AWS SDK, Java 2.0, 全面...