sdk-s3-***.jar Gradle依赖信息(可用于项目build.gradle).txt】 源代码下载地址:【aws-java-sdk-s3-***-sources.jar下载地址(官方地址+国内镜像地址).txt】 # 本文件关键字: aws-java-sdk-s3-***.jar中文-英文对照文档.zip,java,aws-java-sdk-s3-***.jar,com.amazonaws,aws-java-sdk-s3,***,...
aws-java-sdk-core-1.12.160.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档:aws-java-sdk-core-1.12.160-javadoc-API文档-中文(简体)-英语-对照版.zip; Maven坐标:com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core:1.12.160; 标签:amazonaws、aws、java、sdk、core、中英对照文档、jar包; 使用方法:解压翻译后的API文档,用浏览器打开“index....
aws-encryption-sdk-java-3.0.1.jar 244 KB2024-06-12T18:56:02Z Source code(zip) 2024-06-12T18:40:55Z Source code(tar.gz) 2024-06-12T18:40:55Z 06 Dec 23:27 aws-crypto-tools-ci-bot v3.0.0 aff5b56 Compare AWS Encryption SDK 3.0.0 Release -- 2023-12-06 ...
Download the Log4J JAR To use Log4j with the SDK, you need to download the Log4j JAR from the Apache website. The SDK doesn’t include the JAR. Copy the JAR file to a location that is on your classpath. Log4j uses a configuration file, Example configuration files are...
Where do I find login-with-amazon-sdk.jar? The jar is usually already included where required. However, if not or if you want to use a different version, you can find ithere. Getting Help We useAWS Android SDK GitHub issuesfor tracking questions, bugs, and feature requests. ...
If you use a library that is included in the X-Ray SDK for Java, you must use the included version. For example, if you already depend on Jackson at runtime and include JAR files in your deployment for that dependency, you must remove those JAR files because the SDK JAR includes its ...
publicStringgetOauthPage(RequestParams params){StringBuilder redriectUrl=newStringBuilder();redriectUrl.append(SDK.getConfAPI().getPortalUrl()).append("/r/ov?cmd=OAUTH_VALIDATE");//此处构造的是三方系统授权成功后重定向到 AWS 系统的页面地址Map<String,String>map=params.asMap();for(String key:...
The type cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files 我的构建路径上有以下JAR(我没有能力使用maven): aws-sdk-java-2.17.29 sdk-core-2.17.29
NOTE:It may happen that the CodeBuild stage fails because of 503 HTTP error that is occasionally returned from are downloaded from this URL as part of the container image build); if this error occurred to you, retry the CodeBuild stage through the console. ...
To get started, use the Maven repository or download thelatest JAR file. Overview Install the SDK Use the SDK Sample Applications API Documentation License Support Overview This document provides instructions for installing and configuring the AWS IoT device SDK for Java. It also includes some exampl...