在SDK Web 浏览器 JavaScript 中使用 for 与在 Node.js 中使用 for 的方式不同。区别在于加载的方式SDK以及获取访问特定 Web 服务所需的凭据的方式。当 Node.js 和浏览器之间对特定用途的使用APIs不同时,我们会指出这些差异。 在V3 中使用浏览器 V3 允许您仅将SDK所需的 JavaScript 文件捆绑并包含在浏览器中...
AWS SDK for JavaScript v3 API 参考指南 JavaScript API为 AWS 服务提供了.您可以使用 JavaScript API为 Node.js 或浏览器构建库或应用程序. 开始使用 SDK 如果您准备好亲身体验SDK,请按照中的示例进行操作开始使用. 要设置开发环境,请参阅设置 fo SDK r JavaScript. 如果您当前使用的是 2.x 版的 JavaScript...
TheAWS SDK for JavaScript v3is the latest and recommended version, which has been GA since December 2020. Here iswhy and how you should useAWS SDK for JavaScript v3. You can try our migration scripts inaws-sdk-js-codemodto migrate your application from v2 to v3. ...
If you are migrating from v2 to v3, then you can visit our self-guided workshop which builds as basic version of note taking application using AWS SDK for JavaScript v2 and provides step-by-step migration instructions to v3.To test your universal JavaScript code in Node.js, browser and ...
Modularized AWS SDK for JavaScript. Contribute to aws/aws-sdk-js-v3 development by creating an account on GitHub.
v3中, 模块化包 将应用程序的捆绑大小比 AWS SDK 中的 JavaScript(版本 2)减少了75%。但是,v3 ...
In v3 of AWS SDK for JavaScript, we achieved modularity by breaking the JavaScript SDK core into multiple packages and publishing each service as its own package. These packages are published under@aws-sdk/scope on NPM to make it easy to identify packages that are part of the official AWS ...
为了澄清克里斯·威廉姆斯的回答和@Waleed93的第二个评论,过去使用AWS Javascript SDK v2的方法是:...
AWS SDK for JavaScript Appconfig Client for Node.js, Browser and React Native. Latest version: 3.731.1, last published: 3 days ago. Start using @aws-sdk/client-appconfig in your project by running `npm i @aws-sdk/client-appconfig`. There are 19 other pro
NodeDeprecationWarning: The AWS SDKforJavaScript(v3)will no longer support Node.js14.x on May1,2024. Tocontinuereceiving updates to AWS services, bug fixes, and security updates please upgrade to an active Node.js LTS version. More information can be found at...