您的 URL 应为http://BUCKET_NAME.s3-website.REGION.amazonaws.com或 (具体取决于区域)http://BUCKET_NAME.s3-website-REGION.amazonaws.com。如果您想查看确切的 URL,可以Static website hosting在Properties存储桶的选项卡下找到它。编辑 部署您的网站 现在我们只需要通过 GitHub Actions 构建并部署我们的网...
In this lesson, you will learn how to host a static website on Amazon S3. I will show you how to create the buckets, create the bucket policy to allow public access and point your own custom DNS name to the website. Go to S3 service, create tow buckets: static.zhentian.fi --> pu...
简单的来讲,就是你把一个静态的html页面上传到你的bucket,然后static website hosting会生成一个网页链接,就可以访问了。暂时没想到这个玩意的use case。。。 注意下S3的object 链接和 website 链接两者的区别 https://tonytokyobucket.s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/static+webhosting.html http://tonytokyob...
{// Display error messageecho$e->getMessage();echo"\n"; }// Deleting a Bucket Website Configurationtry{$resp=$s3Client->deleteBucketWebsite(['Bucket'=>$bucket]);echo"Succeed in deleting policy for bucket: ".$bucket."\n"; }catch(AwsException$e){// output error message if failse...
2. Static Website Hosting with AWS S3 2.1. Create a New AWS Account Before starting this exercise we need to register ourselves with the AWS free tier account. AWS provides this type of access for 1 year to do the practice on different services. It is very straight forward and to do th...
Here’s how the integration works starting from the Amazon S3 console: Deploying a static website using the Amazon S3 consoleLet’s use this new integration to host a personal website directly from my S3 bucket. To get started, I navigate to my bucket in the Amazon S3 console . Here’...
在AWS S3创建存储桶 首先创建一个bucket,命名为你的域名,比如“example.com”,取消Block all public access。如图 在bucket的Properties页,激活Static website hosting: 在bucket的Permissions页设置Bucket Policy: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ ...
1.在 Amplify 控制台中,在staticwebsite应用程序的左侧导航栏中,选择应用程序设置,然后选择常规设置。 2.在“常规设置”中,选择删除应用程序。 恭喜 您已学完在 AWS 上托管静态网站教程! 添加自定义域 了解如何为由 Amazon Route 53 管理的网站配置和添加自定义域。
static web hosting: http://bucketname.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com, cheap, scales automatically, static site only S3 used to store data in alphabetical order HTTP 400 for MissingSecurityHeader, IncompleteBody, InvalidBucketName, InvalidDigest HTTP 404 for NoSuchBucketPolicy HTTP 409 for...
Hosting a static website on Amazon S3 is extremely easy, and on top of that it’s actually (in our opinion) pretty cheap too! Amazon offers a “free usage tier” for the first year and as long as you stay under a certain amount of usage, you don’t have to pay for the GET and...