"S3Adapter.S3Client", 10); // 第二个参数表示异步处理线程池的数量 // 创建client auto client = Aws::New<Aws::S3::S3Client>(ALLOCATION_TAG, config); { //first put an object into s3 PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest; putObjectRequest.WithKey(KEY) .WithBucket(BUCKET); // 构建发送内容 //...
//上传aws s3 //设置超时set_time_limit(0);$config=require_once("aws_config.php");$region=$config['region'];//'AWS存储桶名称';$bucket=$config['bucket'];//仓库名$accessKeyId=$config['accessKeyId'];$secretAccessKey=$config['secretAccessKey'];//证书 AWS access KEY ID 和 AWS secret acc...
<!-- Lots of other inputs here --> This all works great in
Describe the bug Trying to upload a large amount of file (~50GB in about 400 files) with the TransferManager uses a huge amount of memory. The JVM size (as reported by top) greatly exceeds the max heap size configured at startup (we star...
例如,S3会返回Server: AmazonS3标头,Google Cloud Storage会返回Server: UploadServer标头。我们可以利用这些特定的标头作为判断条件来选择性地触发Lambda@Edge的工作流程。只有HTTP响应携带了特定的Header和特定的Value,才说明该文件在S3上不存在,现在从旧源站得到了响应,需要将该文...
Apache Iceberg:Apache Iceberg是 Amazon S3 中适用于大型数据集的开放表格式,可提供快速的大型表查询性能、原子提交、并发写入和 SQL 兼容表演进等功能。Glue 3.0/4.0 原生支持开源数据库框架 Iceberg。Iceberg 是为大数据平台设计的,开发者可以使用它来存储和查询 PB 级数据集。除了 Glue...
AWS.S3.ManagedUpload.maxTotalParts = 10000 minPartSize ⇒ Number (static, readonly) Returns the minimum number of bytes for an individual part upload. Default Value: AWS.S3.ManagedUpload.minPartSize = 1024 * 1024 * 5 Returns: (Number) — the minimum number of bytes for an individual ...
this.s3 .upload(params, function (err, data) { clearInterval(vm.uploadTimer); if (err) { vm.$emit("uploadFail", err); } else { let fileObj = { dataFile: file.name, dataType: file.type, dataAddr: data.Location, dataKey: data.Key, bucket: data.Bucket, dataSize: file.size, data...
Copies a source object to a new destination in Amazon S3. CopyPartResult copyPart(CopyPartRequest copyPartRequest) Copies a source object to a part of a multipart upload. Bucket createBucket(CreateBucketRequest createBucketRequest) Creates a new S3 bucket. Bucket createBucket(String bucketName...
_s3DataRange = 2048 * 1024; // Amount of bytes to grab (I have jacked this up HD video files) _maxContentLength: number; // Total number of bites in the file _s3: S3; // AWS.S3 instance _s3StreamParams: S3.GetObjectRequest; // Parameters passed into s3.getObject method ...