模块化是Terraform实现代码重用的方式,模块是小型、可重用的 Terraform 配置单元,模块可以理解为一个包含多个资源的容器模板,一个模块封装好之后,可以给大家使用。 从Terraform的代码层面来看,模块其实就是一个包含多个.tf文件的目录。任何一个Terraform项目,都是一个目录,所以也都是一个模块,我们把它称为根模块(Root ...
S3跨区域复制功能允许您在不同AWS区域之间自动复制S3对象,以实现数据的冗余和可用性。以下是一个使用Terraform配置S3跨区域复制的示例代码: 复制 resource"aws_s3_bucket""source_bucket"{ bucket="source-bucket"acl="private"} resource"aws_s3_bucket""destination_bucket"{ bucket="destination-bucket"acl="privat...
目前的需求是s3. 我在Jenkins上创建一个bucket,然后申请access_key,然后就可以使用s3来存储数据了。
#This S3 bucket will not be createdmodule"s3_bucket"{source="terraform-aws-modules/s3-bucket/aws"create_bucket=false#... omitted} Terragrunt andvariable "..." { type = any } There is a bug#1211in Terragrunt related to the way how the variables of typeanyare passed to Terraform. ...
configure the cache disk, join the gateway to a domain, create the S3 buckets, and create the file shares and map them to the S3 buckets. Customers can get started by downloading theTerraform Storage Gateway modulesource code on GitHub. Please refer to thisblogfor details ...
AWS S3 Terraform状态输出 用于最终对象过期的分层存储S3存储桶的Terraform模块。 主要用途密钥用于构建工件存储。 支持以下类型的资源: 用法 module " build_artifacts " { source = " git::https://gitlab.com/infraprints/modules/aws/s3-artifacts " ...
(3) 监听s3内容变更 在云运维团队完成glue-etl module的开发与上传至Terraform Workspace后,数据开发团队需要初始化一份.tf文件,使用local关键词将脚本上传路径(如下方代码块中的变量bucket_name, job_path_prefix和line_of_business中)添加到.tf文件中。
aws-storage-gateway-FILE_S3-1.25.0 This automation provides you with a customizable Terraform module that you can use to provision an Amazon S3 File Gateway with all of the resources and dependencies needed to fully deploy the gateway and file shares in your VM environment. The Terraform module...
terraform-aws-s3-bucketPublic Terraform module to create AWS S3 resources 🇺🇦 terraform-aws-eksPublic Terraform module to create Amazon Elastic Kubernetes (EKS) resources 🇺🇦 terraform-aws-vpn-gatewayPublic Terraform module to create AWS VPN gateway resources 🇺🇦 ...