得到presigned url之后,就可以使用requests.get(url, stream=True)下载相应的文件。 importloggingimportboto3frombotocore.exceptionsimportClientErrordefcreate_presigned_url(bucket_name,object_name,expiration=3600):"""Generate a presigned URL to share an S3 object:param bucket_name: string:param object_name:...
定义:S3 Presigned URL是一个带有签名和过期时间的URL,用于临时访问S3对象。签名确保了URL的安全性,过期时间则限制了URL的有效期。用途:主要用于在不需要直接授予用户S3访问权限的情况下,允许用户下载或上传文件到S3存储桶。二、生成方式 S3 Presigned URL可以通过多种方式生成,包括但不限于:AWS SDK:开发者可...
'你的S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY');//s3客户端returnnewAws\S3\S3Client(['version'=>'latest',//地区 亚太区域(新加坡) ap-southeast-1'region'=>'eu-central-1',//自行配置//加载证书'credentials'=>$credentials,//开启bug调试//'debug' => true]);...
signer: s3.NewPresignClient(client), } } // PresignedUploadURL creates a presigned request URL that can be used to upload // an object in a bucket. The URL is valid for the specified number of seconds. func (s S3) PresignedUploadURL(ctx context.Context, args PresignedURLArgs...
Gets the object stored in Amazon S3 using a presigned url. void download(PresignedUrlDownloadRequest presignedUrlDownloadRequest, File destinationFile) Gets the object stored in Amazon S3 using a presigned url. void enableRequesterPays(String bucketName) Allows Amazon S3 bucket owner to enable the...
If no byte range is specified, this request downloads the entire object from Amazon S3. Parameters: start - The start of the inclusive byte range to download. end - The end of the inclusive byte range to download. See Also: getRange() withRange public PresignedUrlDownloadRe...
Describe the bug S3Client::GeneratePresignedUrl return an invalid signed url when the key contains space, which should be url encoded to %20, but not %2520. For example, I have an object with key "Anson Lo", the url signed should be: htt...
Is is possible somehow to generate a presigned URL to file in S3 with the aws-iot-device-sdk-embedded-C? I've been looking at the demo http_demo_s3_download which I can run successfully. I tried to add in http_demo_s3_download.c, just after ...