S3 Outposts:可向本地 AWS Outposts 环境提供对象存储。可以在上传文件properties下面的 Storage class中...
$ aws s3cpnew.mov s3://awsroadtrip-videos-raw/ --storage-class DEEP_ARCHIVE 我还可以通过将其自我复制来更改现有对象的存储类: $ aws s3cps3://awsroadtrip-videos-raw/new.mov s3://awsroadtrip-videos-raw/new.mov --storage-class DEEP_ARCHIVE ...
Thes3api tierbehaves identically to the aforementioned S3 tier but it enables you to carry out advanced operations that might not be possible with s3 tier. In this article we are going to talk about only thes3 tierand very specificallys3 cpcommand which helps us copying files from...
Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class is designed to optimize storage costs by automatically moving data to the most cost-effective access tier when access patterns change.
$aws s3 cp local_path/file_name s3://bucket_name/ --storage-class REDUCE_REDUNANCY $aws s3 sync <target> [--options] When the--recursiveoption is used on a directory/folder withcp,mv, orrm, the command walks the directory tree, including all subdirectories. These commands also accept...
type = s3 provider = AWS access_key_id = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx secret_access_key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx region = cn-northwest-1 storage_class = STANDARD acl = private 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 通过命令行创建配置文件
默认情况下,replication 只支持复制启动 replication 功能后新增的对象。对于之前已存在的对象,可以通过 S3 Batch Operations 一次性复制。 利用S3 lifecycle 可以做到 复制对象同时保持元数据信息(metadata):比如原始对象创建时间,version ID 信息等等。 把对象复制到不同的 Storage class 中:比如利用 replication 把对象...
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)是一项对象存储服务,它提供了业界领先的可扩展性、数据可用性、安全性和性能。 AWS S3服务使用存储桶或容器进行数据存储。 此配置要求您创建一个私有存储桶。 有关云基础架构上的Adobe Commerce,请参阅在云基础架构上为Commerce配置远程存储。
命令包括 aws s3 cp、aws s3 ls、aws s3 mv、aws s3 rm 和 sync。cp、ls、mv 和 rm 命令的用法与它们在 Unix 中的对应命令相同。 // 将当前目录里的 MyFile.txt文件拷贝到 s3://my-bucket/MyFolder$ aws s3 cp MyFile.txt s3://my-bucket/MyFolder/// 将s3://my-bucket/MyFolder所有 .jpg ...
A container for the Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration ID. #include ⇒ Types::Include A container for what is included in this configuration. #is_enabled ⇒ Boolean A container for whether the S3 Storage Lens configuration is enabled. #storage_lens_arn ⇒ String The Amazon R...