Looking at the code, the doesObjectExist() method internally calls getObjectMetadata (link, link). If you go a little deeper into the code, the actual HTTP request is a HEAD request, so I strongly suspect they are just doing a HEAD on the object itself. The description of GetObjectMetad...
I am calling doesObjectExist(bucketName, object) to check if object exists or not in the bucket. I get com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.AmazonS3Exception: Forbidden (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403; Error Code: 403 Forbidden only whe...
# check image is exists def exists_image(bucket, key): try: response = client.head_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=key) return True except ClientError as ce: if ce.response["Error"]["Code"] == "404": print("Key: {key} does not exist!") else: print("Something else went wrong") return...
Checks if the specified bucket exists. boolean doesObjectExist(String bucketName, String objectName) PresignedUrlDownloadResult download(PresignedUrlDownloadRequest presignedUrlDownloadRequest) Gets the object stored in Amazon S3 using a presigned url. void download(PresignedUrlDownloadRequest presignedUrl...
The data of the file, once download, is cached, so subsequent calls tovaluewon’t redownload the file unless you tell the object to reload itsvalue: # Redownloads the file's datasong.value(:reload) Other functionality includes: # Check if an object exists?S3Object.exists?'headshot.jpg',...
5).Lambda 函数从S3 存储同下载原始图片,调整大小后,将图片上传回存储桶 6).API Gateway 重定向(301) 到新创建的CloudFront URL 流程结束。 3.具体配置简要介绍 1).S3 Bucket 创建S3Bucket,并配置策略 【注意】:S3 Bucket 需要配置允许静态网站托管
borrowObject(); boolean exists = s3Service.doesBucketExist(this.name); if (!exists) { s3Service.createBucket(this.name); 代码示例来源:origin: org.kuali.common/kuali-aws @Override public Optional<ObjectMetadata> getOptionalMetadata(String bucket, String key) { // Blanks not allowed checkNot...
#initialize(context, message, data = Aws::EmptyStructure.new) ⇒ BucketAlreadyExists Returns a new instance of BucketAlreadyExists. Parameters: context (Seahorse::Client::RequestContext) message (String) data (Aws::S3Control::Types::BucketAlreadyExists) (defaults to: Aws::EmptyStructure...
After that I have a lambda trigger attached to S3:ObjectCreated event. When the lambda is executed I am trying to get the file viaS3.getObject()function. Unfortunately sometimes I am receiving "NoSuchKey: The specified key does not exist:" error. After that lambda retries co...
Spark应用将结果输出到S3。您可以用Amazon Athena创建另一个外部表并用AWS Glue Data Catalog来注册。然后用Athena来查询表以确保此次copy-in-place操作是成功的。 CREATEEXTERNALTABLEIFNOTEXISTScrr_preexisting_demo_results(`bucket`string,keystring,replication_status string,last...