I'm able to run theAWSim quickstart demoon my host outside of the container, however if I try to run it in the autoware docker container I get the following error: $ rocker --nvidia --x11 --user --volume $HOME/autoware --volume $HOME/autoware_map -- ghcr.io/autowarefoundation/auto...
1. 在EC2的安全组里设置入站、出站的端口、ip、协议等,确保实例应用了新添加的安全组规则 2. 启动数据库container, 命名为db sudodocker run --name db mongo 3. 根据Dockerfile,生成网站的image sudodocker build -t web_image . -t 设置这个image的名字 4. 启动web container sudodocker run -d --name...
The first step in the modernization journey is to transform the application. If it's a legacy .NET Framework application, you must first change the runtime to ASP.NET Core. Then do the following: Create the Docker container image Run the Docker contai...
Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) is the AWS service you use to run Docker applications on a scalable cluster. In this how-to guide, you will learn how to run a Docker-enabled sample application on an Amazon ECS cluster behind a load balancer, test the sample application, and ...
安装后系统要求重启,然后启动docker依旧会报错,这个时候鼠标右键docker运行的图标,选择Switch to Windows Contrainers, 默认是Linux Container,所以无法运行。 至此,docker desktop运行没有问题了。 开始安装Superset: https://superset.apache.org/docs/installation/installing-superset-using-docker-compose/#installi...
If I ssh into the EC2 instance and run the command “docker container ls” it shows that the container is up and running, but the “Port” field is blank. As far as I can tell the docker logs do not give any warnings or errors that might explain why Docker is not running on a po...
docker images|grep httpd 图27 也可以在 docker desktop 中看到新镜像 图6 生成容器(运行镜像) 下面我们先运行一个最简单的容器,执行以下命令 docker run -d -p 80:80 httpd 说明: run: 运行一个容器 d: 后台运行这个容器 p (本地端口:容器内端口): 端口映射,把容器里的 80 端口映射到本地 80 端口,...
Step 1: Install and run Docker Step 2: Build the image Step 3: Run the container Step 4: Create the environment Step 5: Run the code Step 6: Clean up Prerequisites You should have an Amazon EC2 instance running Amazon Linux or Ubuntu Server.This sample assumes you already have an Amazon...
run -d/docker run --运行时=nvidia -d/‘configure_docker_run#,如果configure_docker_run被更新为...
…const{ DockerImageFunction, DockerImageCode } =require('aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda');constpath =require('path');…classDockerTutorialStackextendsStack{constructor(scope, id, props) {super(scope, id, props);// define lambda that uses a Docker containerconstdockerfileDir = path.join(__dirname)...