我们提供了最多的存储服务、数据传输方法和联网选项,以构建具备无与伦比的持久性和安全性的数据保护解决方案。详细了解 AWS Backup 的优势、AWS 存储和备份合作伙伴网络、使用案例和客户案例研究以及如何从备份发展到存档和灾难恢复。 为什么使用 AWS 备份和还原? 详细了解客户通过与 AWS 合作将备份目标扩展到云来实现...
RestoreTableFromBackupRequest clone() Creates a shallow clone of this object for all fields except the handler context. boolean equals(Object obj) String getBackupArn() The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the backup. String getBillingModeOverride() The b...
选择还原。您将进入Restore table from backup (从备份还原表)屏幕。 输入新还原的表的名称、此新表将具有的加密、要使用的还原加密密钥以及其他选项。 完成后,选择Restore (还原)。 将DynamoDB 表还原到其他区域或账户 要将DynamoDB 表还原到另一个区域或账户,您首先需要将备份复制到该新区域或账户。为了复制到...
Centralized Backup AWS Backup AWS Backup is a fully managed backup service that makes it easy to centralize and automate the back up of data across AWS services in the cloud as well as on premises using the AWS Storage Gateway. Using AWS Backup, you can centrally configure backup policies ...
NAME = 'Full Backup of DB_Name'; GO 还原数据库 连接到数据库,打开一个查询窗口,然后执行如下语句: RESTORE DATABASE DB_Name FROM DISK = 'c:\tmp\DB_Name.bak' ; AWS RDS 备份和还原 AWS RDS 提供的是数据库服务,对于终端用户来说,是无法访问到真正的服务器,更不可能像传统数据库备份一样,将数据...
1.4.1 Backup & Restore 备份和恢复 传统备份往往利用磁盘,并定期将磁盘运到别处。 将数据备份到AWS上: 1. 利用 S3 和 Glacier 组成多级别的备份环境 2. AWS Storage Gateway 能够将本地环境中的数据备份到 S3 中。 3. AWS Import/Export 能将大量数据运到AWS中。
capeless/warrant 🔥🔥 - Python library for using Cognito. rahulpsd18/cognito-backup-restore 🔥 - Tool for backing up and restoring Cognito user pools.Data PipelineAWS Repos:data-pipeline-samples 🔥🔥 - Sample pipelines.Community Repos:...
resource/aws_neptune_cluster: Fix restore-from-snapshot functionality using the snapshot_identifier argument on resource Create (#28051) resource/aws_neptune_cluster: Fix major version upgrade (#28051) resource/aws_sagemaker_user_profile: Change user_settings.0.jupyter_server_app_settings.0.default...
execmsdb.dbo.rds_restore_database@restore_db_name='adventurerestore',@s3_arn_to_restore_from='arn:aws:s3:::sqlbakfilestest/AdventureWorks2017.bak'; 执行脚本,开始还原。 执行exec msdb.dbo.rds_task_status;查看任务状态 complete 100 代表完成。
Prepare the AWS instance for local RMAN backup Take a full backup to the local AWS block storage Copy the backup from the AWS Block Storage to AWS S3 Copy the backup from AWS S3 to OCI Object Storage Restore the non-CDB backup to a temporary instance on the ...