To understand the architecture of Amazon DocumentDB and how it helps you design highly available applications on AWS, you must be familiar with AWS global infrastructure. The AWS Global Infrastructure comprises AWS Regions and Availability Zones. AWS Regions are separate geographic areas. AWS...
111 Availability Zones Über 600 CloudFront-PoPs und 13 regionale Edge-Caches Karte der globalen AWS-Infrastruktur Die AWS Cloud umfasst 111 Availability Zones in 35 geografischen Regionen, mit angekündigten Plänen für 15 weitere Availability Zones und 5 weitere AWS-Regionen in Mexiko, Neu...
This update will help you differentiate group of Local Zones and AZs based on their unique GroupName, improving manageability and clarity. For example, the Zone Group of AZs in the US West (Oregon) Region will now be referred to as us-west-2-zg-1, where us-west-2 indicates the Region...
There is one more concept around, and one that I have seen lot of people getting lost about: endpoints. Long story short:there are several ways to access a service, a region and/or an availability zones, and they are called endpoints. In other words, they areURLs acting as entry point ...
data "aws_availability_zone" "example" { name = "eu-central-1a" } # Create a VPC for the region associated with the AZ resource "aws_vpc" "example" { cidr_block = "${cidrsubnet("", 4, var.region_number[data.aws_availability_zone.example.region])}" ...
/// /// Get a list of Availability Zones in the AWS Region of the Amazon EC2 Client. /// /// <returns>A list of availability zones.</returns> public async Task<List<string>> DescribeAvailabilityZones() { try { var zoneResponse = await _amazonEc2.DescribeAvailabilityZonesAsync( ...
接着请打开..\Config\aws_ec2_availabilityzones.log 即可看到目前指定区域内的AWS EC2可用性区域. 选项F: ListEC2InstanceTypes: 列出指定区域内的EC2实例类型 (Option F: ListEC2InstanceTypes: List the types of EC2 instances in the specified region) ...
California region.N. California has an availability zone of three groupings of Data Centers: US-West-1A, US-West-1B, and US-West-1C.Image created by Amazon Web Services The Availability Zones setup makes the cloud services robust.AWS and W3Schools offers free and paid Cloud Courses Engage...
1To ensure that resources are distributed across the Availability Zones for these regions, they may differ for each AWS account. You can runaws ec2 describe-availability-zones --region $REGIONto be sure which ones are available to you.
$ aws lambda list-functions –-region <<region>> 正如您所看到的,有很多服务可以通过 AWS CLI 进行交互。随着我们在本书中继续进行更多练习,您将越来越熟悉与这些服务进行交互。现在我们已经讨论了本章的最后一个主题,让我们总结一下! 总结 在本章中,我们学会了如何创建一个 AWS 账户,这将允许我们为我们创...