AWS 云端 Red Hat OpenShift 服务(ROSA)提供了集成化的 OpenShift 使用体验。您可以使用各种 AWS 计算、数据库、分析、机器学习(ML)、网络、移动和其他服务来更快地构建安全且可扩展的应用程序。 创建集中式应用程序环境 对现有应用程序进行现代化改造
Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform enables organizations to develop, deploy, and manage existing, container-based applications across their on-premises and cloud environments. By implementing Red Hat OpenShift, organizations gain access to proven and powerful open source technologies, empowering developers...
Experience Red Hat OpenShift on AWS for yourself Sub Hunt In 1641, the Merchant Royal sank. It was carrying more than 100,000 pounds of gold and silver, and it’s location has never been known… until now. Get ready to hunt for the Merchant Royal!
Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) 是一項受管理服務,您可以使用 Red Hat OpenShift 企業 Kubernetes 平台來建置、擴充及部署容器化應用程式 AWS. ROSA 簡化將內部部署 Red Hat OpenShift 工作負載移至 AWS,並提供與其他緊密集成 AWS 服務.
Getting started with Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS Browse the ROSA learning hub for more resources Product details Get product documentation A clear path to hybrid cloud deployments Delivers the production-ready application platform that many enterprises already use on-premises today, simplifying th...
在裸机或带有 GPU Passthrough 的 VMware vSphere 上的 Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS。 使用NVIDIA vGPU 的 VMware vSphere 上的 Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS。 GPU 功能发现 NVIDIA GPU Feature Discovery for Kubernetes 是一个软件组件,可让您为节点...
OpenShift Cluster Manager 提供了一个用户界面,用于创建、查看和管理 Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)集群。 ROSA 是一个完全托管的 OpenShift 服务,由红帽和 Amazon Web Services (AWS)联合管理和支持。此服务直接从 AWS 帐户获取。ROSA 定价基于使用情况,直接向 AWS...
Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) is a managed service that you can use to build, scale, and deploy containerized applications with Red Hat OpenShift running on AWS infrastructure. ROSA is jointly supported and operated by AWS and Red Hat. ROSA offers 24-hour site reliability engineeri...
他提出,“所谓OpenShift+就是以OpenShift为中心建立生态,覆盖公有云、私有云、混合云以及第三方的各种集成服务,包括各种开发工具、平台和语言。Azure Red Hat OpenShift将集中优势,保证安全性,简化容器云运行和维护,同时Azure云服务也将为OpenShift集群提供丰富的支持。”最后他强调,”微软与红帽的合作虽始于2015年,...
Red Hat OpenShift 3是建立在Docker和Kubernetes基础之上的容器应用平台,用于开发和部署企业应用程序。 OpenShift版本 OpenShift Dedicated(Enterprise) Private, high-availability OpenShift clusters hosted on Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud Platform Delivered as a hosted service and supported by Red Hat ...