Amazon RDS now supports new General Purpose (SSD) storage type Introducing Amazon RDS for Aurora 2015年 Encryption for Amazon RDS using keys managed in AWS Key Management Service Amazon RDS increases maximum database storage size up to 6TB when using Provisioned IOPS and General Purpose (SSD) s...
The storage throughput for the automated backup. Returns: (Integer) #storage_type ⇒ String The storage type associated with the automated backup. Returns: (String) #tde_credential_arn ⇒ String The ARN from the key store with which the automated backup is associated for TDE encryptio...
#storage_type⇒String The storage type associated with the DB cluster. Returns: (String) #tag_list⇒Array<Types::Tag> A list of tags. For more information, seeTagging Amazon RDS resourcesin theAmazon RDS User GuideorTagging Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS resourcesin theAmazon Aurora User Gui...
下面讲述如何创建配置有 io2 Block Express 卷的 Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL 实例。 首先,提供引擎和版本等基本信息。然后,从存储类型选项中选择预调配 IOPS SDD(io2): 使用以下AWS CLI命令创建配置有 io2 Block Express 卷的新 RDS 实例: aws rds create-db-instance --storage-type io...
instance-identifier orcl1 \ --db-instance-class db.m5.large \ --availability-zone ap-southeast-1c \ --port 1521 \ --vpc-security-group-ids sg-0534febf02235e865 \ --storage-type gp2 \ --replica-mode mounted \ --custom-iam-instance-profile AWSRDSCustomInstanceProfile-ap-south...
RDS example: arn:aws:rds:<region>:<accountnumber>:<resourcetype>:<name> 1. 2. 注意,中国区是arn:aws-cn… 这里是个小坑。最好根据自己已有的RDS,在configuration中查找arn,进行修改。 实际测试有效的输出: 下面命令,是aws cli连接到cn-north-1(北京),远程调同账号下的cn-northwest-1(宁夏)的数据库...
AWS基础服务3--RDS存储 实验内容: 创建相关数据库 教学内容: 1、 S3(Simple Storage Service)a)对象存储服务 b) 存储任意类型文件 c) 存储桶:可控制对存储桶的访问权限,名称全局唯一,最多100个 d) 对象:单个对象最多5TB e) 对象键:标识唯一 f) S3的存储桶和S3默认私有,只有资源拥有者可访问...
( ec2.InstanceClass.T3, ec2.InstanceSize.MICRO ), allocatedStorage: 10, credentials: { username: "admin", password: cdk.SecretValue.plainText("password"), }, vpcSubnets: { subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC, }, securityGroups: [rdsSecurityGroup], }); new cdk.CfnOutput(this, "RDS", {...
aws_rds_cluster_role_association.this resource aws_security_group.this resource aws_security_group_rule.this resource aws_iam_policy_document.monitoring_rds_assume_role data source aws_partition.current data source Inputs NameDescriptionTypeDefaultRequired allocated_storage The amount of storage in gibiby...
一、需求 同事说最近接手的业务大部分都是AWS的,希望能够监控aws的RDS和ElastiCache。我二话不说,看了一下AWS的api,说,没问题,提单吧。 二、解决方法 难点:RDS和ElastiCache都是没有IP的,所以只能通过API来取值。 zabbix解决方式:采用zabbix 的Ex