RDS supports replication between an RDS MySQL or MariaDB DB instance and a MySQL or MariaDB instance that is external to RDS using Binary Log File Position or Global Transaction Identifiers (GTIDs) replication. Read Replicas Creation Read Replicas can be created within the same AZ, different AZ...
AWS RDS Read Replica 是在区域之间做数据复制的一个例子。它的主要特性如下: Read Replica 可以在一个region 内,也可以在另一个region内(当前只支持MySQL 和 MariaDB)。 Primary 和 Read Replica 之间采用异步数据复制,跨区域时会加密 Read Replica 只能用于读,所有的写都到Primary。 每个Read Replica 都有各自...
In addition, with Multi-AZ deployments replication is fully managed. Amazon RDS automatically monitors for DB Instance failure conditions or Availability Zone failure and initiates automatic failover to the standby in a different Availability Zone if an outage occurs. You can use a Multi-AZ ...
Supports all RDS database engines (MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle) RDS Read Replicas for read scalability Up to 5 Read Replicas Within AZ, Cross AZ or Cross Region Replication isASYNC, so reads are eventually consistent
You can create Read Replicas using theRDS APIs, the RDS command-line tools, or theAWS Management Console.If you use the Amazon RDS APIs, you will call theCreateDBInstanceReadReplicaAPI to create a Read Replica from a specified source DB Instance. For a create to succeed, your source DB In...
The Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier for an encrypted read replica. #max_allocated_storage⇒ Integer The upper limit in gibibytes (GiB) to which Amazon RDS can automatically scale the storage of the DB instance. #monitoring_interval⇒ Integer ...
在EC2的启动配置中设置 user-data,使 EC2 内应用程序在启动后能够获取所需的配置,例如 RDS Mysql 和 Redis 的endpoint 等等。启动配置已经包含在灾难恢复的脚本中。 媒体文件:S3跨区域备份 静态文件及其它需要同步到灾备region的文件存放在S3上。开启S3 Cross Region Replication,实现S3文件的跨Region自动复制。S3 通...
AWS RDS历年发布 2009年 Introducing Amazon Relational Database Service 2010年 Announcing Multi-AZ Deployments for Amazon RDS 2011年 没找到信息 2012年 Amazon RDS announces support for Amazon VPC Amazon RDS Increases Backup Retention Period Amazon RDS announces support for MySQL Read Replica in Amazon VP...
mysql-hreplica-local.xxxxxxxx.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com-uadmin-p<password> MYSQL> CALL mysql.rds_stop_replication; 1. 2. 恢复同步命令: CALL mysql.rds_start_replication; 1. 需要紧密监控 RDS 存储所剩空间,以防磁盘空间枯竭的情况发生。
這是因為事件RDS-EVENT-0057 Replication on the read replica was terminated表示您的僅供讀取複本不再與主要資料庫執行個體同步。向負責小組發生此類事件的通知可協助及時緩解問題。亞馬遜EventBridge以及其他 AWS 服務,例如AWS LambdaAmazon 簡單佇列服務 (Amazon SQS) 和 Amazon 簡單通知服務 (Amazon SNS) 可協助您...