AWS Provider Version5.17.0Affected Resource(s)It seems like the provider version 5.18.0 containing some important S3 fixes is not published yet on terraform registry. there something happen during the sync/upload?
Bump Terraform `aws` provider version Update Terraform lock file changes detected: "hashicorp/aws" updated from "5.77.0" to "5.78.0" in file ".terraform.lock.hcl" ...
在root目录中按照terraform工作流,分别执行terraform init、terraform plan、terraform applye操作进行资源创建 terraform init [root@ip-192-168-44-214 eks-tf]# terraform init Initializing the backend... Initializing modules... Initializing provider plugins... - Finding hashicorp/cloudinit versions matching "...
2.创建本地provider仓库及插件缓存目录 C:/Users/xxx/.terraform.d/plugin-cache C:/Users/xxx/.terraform.d/filesystem-mirror 3.准备CLI配置文件terraform.rc plugin_cache_dir = "C:/Users/xxx/.terraform.d/plugin-cache" disable_checkpoint = true plugin_cache_may_break_dependency_lock_file = true p...
terraform { required_providers { databricks = { source = "databricks/databricks" } } } You must configure authentication for your Terraform project. SeeAuthenticationin the Databricks Terraform provider documentation. Sample configuration This section provides a sample configuration that you can experiment...
由于使用流水线,terraform state 文件需要放在项目外,利用terraform cloud进行存储remote state; 3.2 代码 代码结构 . ├── .github │ └── workflows │ └── terraform.yml ├── .gitignore ├── .terraform.lock.hcl ├── ...
本指南的目标受众包括技术主管和经理,他们负责监督使用 Terraform for IaC 的团队。 AWS其他潜在读者包括基础设施工程师、 DevOps 工程师、解决方案架构师和积极使用 Terraform 管理 AWS 基础设施的开发人员。 遵循这些最佳实践将节省时间,并有助于为这些角色发挥 IaC 的好处。
这个文件是定义provider和远程存储terraform.tfstate的s3存储桶,provider是Terraform定制的一套接口,阿里云、AWS、私有云等如果想接入进来被Terraform编排和管理就要实现一套Provider,官网,我使用的AWS的云平台,所以使用的AWS的provider。 关于terraform.tfstate,我在前言中...
Terraform installs providers from the Terraform Registry by default. In this example configuration, the aws provider's source is defined as hashicorp/aws, which is shorthand for You can also set a version constraint for each provider defined in the required_...