或者,你可以简单地使用 cmdlet 本身Initialize-AWSSSOConfiguration,而且 “工具” PowerShell 会提示你输入属性值。 某些属性值的注意事项: 如果您只是按照说明启用和配置 IAM Identity Center,则的值-RoleName可能为PowerUserAccess。但是,如果您创建了专门用于 PowerShell 工作的 IAM 身份中心权限集,请改用该权限集。
a) 创建必要的Role及User 该实验需要如下权限策略,需要创建对应策略与角色,在实验环境安全情况下也可使AdministratorAccess或PowerUserAccess创建role,后续所有操作需要在附加该Role的EC2中进行,本地用户需要创建IAM User。 { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect":...
AWSPowerUserAccess AWSServiceCatalogAdminFullAccess AWSServiceCatalogEndUserAccess AWSReadOnlyAccess AWSOrganizationsFullAccess 注意 AWS CloudFormation StackSetBP_BASELINE_CLOUDTRAIL不會部署在登陸區域 3.0 版或更新版本中。不過,它仍會繼續存在於舊版的登陸區域,直到您更新登陸區域為止。
get-iamuserpolicy-UserName mynewuser -PolicyName"PowerUserAccess-myNewUser-201211201605" 成功配置policy 别忘了给用户设置密码和安全码 1 New-IAMLoginProfile-UserName myNewUser -Password"&!123!&" 1 New-IAMAccessKey-UserName myNewUser 最后,我们来看看如何配置IAMRole。 比如说,我打算配置一个IAMRole,...
D[Task role] (タスクロール) リンクをクリックします。これにより、IAM コンソールのロール定義が表示されます。 E.[Add permission] (許可を追加)、[Attach policies] (ポリシーをアタッチ] の順にクリックします。 F.ddb-weather 許可を見つけて選択します G.AmazonDynamoDBF...
End-user computing Expand table AWS serviceAzure serviceDescription WorkSpaces,AppStream 2.0Azure Virtual DesktopManage virtual desktops and applications to enable corporate network and data access to users, anytime, anywhere, from supported devices. Amazon WorkSpaces support Windows and Linux virtual deskto...
Powershell $Env:AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE"$Env:AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY"$Env:AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-west-2" 1. 2. 3. 声明profile CLI 参数声明 aws ec2 describe-instances--profileuser1 ...
The passwords to use for the cdouser (or whichever user has sudo access) and the `sdc` user (the user under which Docker runs) The IP address of the DNS server your organization uses The gateway IP address of the network the SDC address...
UserName - The user associated with the initiator IP address. The Initiator IP address is the same as the Source IP address. Step 8 If the rule action is preventing access, look at the FirewallRule and FirewallPolicy fields to identify the rule in the policy that is ...
❗Don’t share user credentials: It’s remarkably common for first-time AWS users to create one account and one set of credentials (access key or password), and then use them for a while, sharing among engineers and others within a company. This is easy. But don’t do this. This is...